Published byendless on 2007-04-24 Category: Hardware Add-ons/Mods | Page Views: 24009
I'll start this out with my recommendations, if you are going to buy the Air Cooler sink down the extra few bucks and buy the addon fan. It significantly lowers your Cpu temperature, and keeps it low. Its a must if your looking to cool your 360.
Items Needed
1. Xcm Air Cooler (optional addon fan)
2. Xcm supplied 360 dismantlement tool
3. Clean working area
For heat sensor mod you will need the following:
1. After market computer heat sensors
2. Solder
3. Electrical tape, or wire sleeves
Start out by getting familiar with the components. Look at them, browse this tutorial, read it and follow along while looking at each piece and understanding what each step and corresponding pictures are showing you.
Take a look at the picture and make sure you have all the pieces needed. The picture does exclude the addon fan. To check your addon fan, ensure there is a black air bumper (basically a piece of small rectangular padding).
Now for the fun part, you can look threw the supplied handbook on how to disasemble the 360, or follow this tutorial. With the supplied tool, you will have no problems getting this case apart, it was very easy and you shouldn't be presented with any problems.
Once you get your case apart, take out your dvd drive, there are two connections in the back, a power connection, and your sata connection remove these two connections. If you have flashed your drive you know the connections.
Now disconnect the back fan from its power source (on the left hand side of the picture, you will see the plug that powers the fans). Pull up on the piece of metal that holds the fans in place, while applying firm pressure while you pull on them towards yourself. Should pull down, be careful it is not removed, just the top bracket is released, you will need to move it back and forth to release the two holds that are in place at the base of the fan. Look at the second picture and you will see what I'm trying to explain.
Now that you have the fans removed it's time to install your Xcm fan. Now if your preforming the mod that I describe in a bit, do not install the fans right now. If your not preforming the mod, then go ahead and align the post with the holes on the base of the motherboard tray, and give it a good push and it will snap into place. It will look like this when installed.
Now its time to install the heat sensors, this is a very painless and easy process. You will want to lay your two wires out, and go ahead and twist them gently to pick up any loose slack in the wires. The red and white wire, is your cpu sensor, and your white and blue wire is your gpu sensor. Your going to want to push the red cpu sensor into the heatsink of the cpu, and stick your blue sensor into a fin on the gpu heatsink. Use the supplied padding to secure it in place (gpu only). It should look something similar to the next photo.
Now you have the option to go about the last step in a different way. I had some heat sensors so I cut out the original heat sensor, and attached my own. I installed the sensors on the front of the heatsinks, I like to get the temperature before the air is cooled.
You will need heat sensors, ask your local pc shop, for them. Cut off the wires leading into the sleeve of the original heat sensors, attach your spliced heat sensors. Give the wire a few twists, if you want fold it upon itself a few times, and put solder in to give it that extra strength, if you are worried. Give it a quick wrap in electrical wire, and affix it somewhere of your choosing. Alternatively you can use wire sleeve's to cover the connection and use a heat gun, or a lighter to tighten the sleeve's down upon the wires. I had none on me at the time so I just used electrical tape/solder. You can put the sensors in the same spot as I did or wherever you feel is best.
The main reason behind my decision to mod the heat sensor, was the fact that the original version, obstructed air. It wouldn't really do much damage to the transfer of heat, but it just bothered me, and id like options on where I can place my sensors. You don't need to preform this mod if you don't want to, its totally optional, and the results will be the same. I'm just picky about things.
Now that you have your sensors in place, its time for the next step. If you have purchased an addon fan, jump down to the step that describes how to install it, if not follow on. You will notice the power wire coming off your fan. Pull out the longest one, and replace the power cable coming off the motherboard with this one, pull up the shortened power cable and install it in the back of your dvd drive. Plug in the sata cable connection, put the metal lid on your 360 and test it. To see if your followed along right check the picture.
I don't recommend putting the case together and seeing if it worked, test it first to ensure everything is in order. Scroll down and you will see the photo of the case not totally put together. You will see a pen pointing at the button you need to push in order to turn the 360 on.
If everything is in working order, close up your case and enjoy your handy work.
Addon fan installation
Go ahead and grab the rectangular foam piece and install it as shown in the picture.
Place your fan shroud back in its proper place. Remove the power cable that supplies your dvd drive, and take the longest wire from the fan and plug it into this point on the motherboard. Take your addon fan, and hook up the smaller power supply wire to the corresponding plug on this adapter. Plug the black power supply cable into your dvd drive. Attach your sata cable, and put your dvd player back in the 360. Here is a picture showing the power supply arrangement.
This addon fan is going to be installed right in front of the cpu heatsink. Your going to need to turn the fan upside down, remove the stickers protecting the adhesive.
Now arrange your fan with the power cables leading from it in the bottom right hand corner, should be the same corner as your cpu heatsink, these wires will be hidden along the fan shroud. Drop down the fan, watch the capacitors on the bottom left hand side of the fan as you push it down. It will align with the screw on the dvd player.
Make sure its nice and snug on the motherboard, and hide your wires leading back to the dvd player.
For the placement of the addon fan power supply board, I stuck it on the back of my dvd player. It's a nice out of the way spot and keeps wire clutter to a minimum.
Now the only thing left to do is test it out. I highly recommend putting only the top cover on your 360 and testing it out. This ensures that the units are working fine. It will save you time, if something is wrong. You wont have to take your 360 apart again. Notice the pen is pointing at the button to turn on your 360.
If everything is in working order, go ahead and close up your 360. The lcd installs on the back of your 360 right above your av cable. You will see the coresponding clip spaces that your lcd will install into. Once you have it in place, remove the protective covering off the lcd faceplate, and enjoy your Xcm Air cooler fan, and addon fan.
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