How to Change your 'EA Master ID' for Xbox LIVE (Origin)
How to Change your 'EA Master ID' for Xbox LIVE (Origin)
Published byforahobby on 2012-02-05 Category: Xbox Live | Page Views: 7440
This tutorial explains how to change your EA/Origin Master ID to match your Xbox LIVE Gamertag for use with It makes things much easier, especially if you have changed your Xbox LIVE gamertag at anytime in the past, or maybe signed up with a silly username.
Let's Get Started
Ok, I wanted to change my EA Master ID from "forahobby" to "XboxHQ" to match my Xbox LIVE gamertag since everyone was having a hard time identifying me on battelog. Anyway, I thought it would be useful for others to know all about it.. If you want to change your MASTER EA ID at anytime, visit this url and do it!
Below is a screenshot of the screen you should see.
If you're still looking for other Battlefield 3 gamers to play with on Xbox LIVE join us on battlelog here. The 360-HQ platoon is now accepting members, so step up soldier! I hope this helps out everyone, see you all on the Battlefield!