Published byX_Splinter on 2009-09-17 Category: Firmware | Page Views: 16937
Original tutorial by tOxiC
Learn how to flash your Xbox 360 BenQ DVD drive firmware with the newest iXtreme using Jungleflasher. This tutorial will walk you through step by step to make sure you flash your 360 with ease.
1. Things You Need:
1.1. A Benq drive
1.2. VIA SATA Card or NForce card
1.3. New target firmware for your Benq (iXtreme1.6 or Higher Recommended)
1.4. JungleFlasher
1.5. PortIO32
1.6. Connectivity kit *Optional*
For this tutorial i will be using a VIA Card.
2.1. Hook your SATA cable from your Xbox Disk drive into your VIA Raid. Keep the power cable running from the disk drive into the xbox's motherboard. Hook your xbox up like you normally would when you play. (power supply and video cable)
Note: The video cable does not need to be plugged into a TV, just into the back of the Xbox to prevent an error.
2.2. Power on your Xbox 360 and open Jungleflasher.exe.
2.3. Ok, now your xbox is hooked up to your PC and you opened JungleFlasher. Navigate to the "MTKFlash 32 Tab". Now under the I/O Port, searc h for the one that has your drive.
It should appear like this:
- PBDS VAD6038-64930C
- VAD6038 (Or something similiar)
Now, follow the picture. Click "BenQ Unlock"
NOTE: If you are on iXtreme 1.5 and upgrading, eject your disk tray and MANUALLY push it back in half way. If it shuts automatically when you power back on, just unplug the drives power cord when it's halfway and replug it back in. Then click Into / Device ID.
Then after you unlock, your "Flash Chip Properties" should befilled. It does not have to be exact every computer is different!
Now we can continue and just press "Read".
You should get everything OK, and it will ask you to save, just save to the desktop and it will ask you a message
Click "Yes".
Now, when you are at the Firmware Tool 32 Tab, check your two DVD keys. The bottom key should match the top one. Click save and save your firmware to the desktop.
Now you are already to write your Firmware.
Go back to the "MTK Flash 32" Tab.
All your info should be there, and click "Write".
After you have received "Write verified ok"
Go along and click Outro / ATA Reset. And Done!
Congratulations, you just flashed your BenQ with iXtreme1.6!!
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