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Games I Own (59)

Soul Calibur for Xbox 360

Soul Calibur
The highest rated console fighting game ever is back again for a new generation! Sharpen your blades and relive old grudges against classic adversaries in high definition. Prove your mettle against the world with a variety of leaderboards s... more info..

 Progression: 20 of 200 (16%)

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Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for Xbox 360

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Play through all six Star Wars movies in this mash-up of Lego Star Wars I & II.... more info..

 Progression: 60 of 1000 (7%)

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Mass Effect 3 for Xbox 360

Mass Effect 3
Complete the Mass Effect Trilogy with Mass Effect 3. Earth is burning. Striking from beyond known space, a race of terrifying machines have begun their destruction of the human race. As Commander Shepard, an Alliance Ma... more info..

 Progression: 785 of 1550 (64%)

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Mass Effect 2 for Xbox 360

Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect is back for the sequel on Xbox 360.... more info..

 Progression: 695 of 1355 (66%)

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Hitman: Absolution for Xbox 360

Hitman: Absolution
Wear the suit of the ultimate assassin, you have the ability to blend into plain sight, kill with your bare hands and fashion a weapon from almost anything. You are Agent 47, the world's deadliest assassin. The fifth game in the mul... more info..

 Progression: 570 of 1000 (71%)

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Monday Night Combat for Xbox 360

Monday Night Combat
Monday Night Combat for Xbox LIVE Arcade is a class-based, third-personshooter… and the most popular lethal sport of the future! It blends intense combat, finishing moves, and gameshow-like challenges and rewards to produce an action experi... more info..
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Burnout Paradise for Xbox 360

Burnout Paradise
Burnout 5 gives players license to wreak havoc in Paradise City, the ultimate seamless racing battleground, with a massive infrastructure of traffic-heavy roads to abuse. Gone is the need to jump in and out of menus and aimlessly search for... more info..

 Progression: 50 of 1250 (8%)

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Games I Want (2)

Destiny for Xbox 360

Page views: 130053 | Overall Rank: 148 of 2965

Destiny is the newest franchise from Bungie and its ambitious successor to Halo. It is a first-person shooter for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 with elements of open-world sandbox and persistent world where humans are up against an alien ... more info..

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Dying Light for Xbox 360

Dying Light
Page views: 68273 | Overall Rank: 739 of 2965

'Dying Light' is a new first-person survival action game, set in a vast open world overrun with zombies. Developed by Techland, Dying Light will be available for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC in 2015.... more info..

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Now Playing (50)

Soul Calibur for Xbox 360

Soul Calibur
Page views: 51596 | Overall Rank: 1152 of 2965

The highest rated console fighting game ever is back again for a new generation! Sharpen your blades and relive old grudges against classic adversaries in high definition. Prove your mettle against the world with a variety of leaderboards s... more info..

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Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for Xbox 360

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Page views: 206934 | Overall Rank: 50 of 2965

Play through all six Star Wars movies in this mash-up of Lego Star Wars I & II.... more info..

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Mass Effect 3 for Xbox 360

Mass Effect 3
Page views: 242920 | Overall Rank: 37 of 2965

Complete the Mass Effect Trilogy with Mass Effect 3. Earth is burning. Striking from beyond known space, a race of terrifying machines have begun their destruction of the human race. As Commander Shepard, an Alliance Ma... more info..

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Mass Effect 2 for Xbox 360

Mass Effect 2
Page views: 186305 | Overall Rank: 65 of 2965

Mass Effect is back for the sequel on Xbox 360.... more info..

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Hitman: Absolution for Xbox 360

Hitman: Absolution
Page views: 179989 | Overall Rank: 71 of 2965

Wear the suit of the ultimate assassin, you have the ability to blend into plain sight, kill with your bare hands and fashion a weapon from almost anything. You are Agent 47, the world's deadliest assassin. The fifth game in the mul... more info..

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Monday Night Combat for Xbox 360

Monday Night Combat
Page views: 53599 | Overall Rank: 1077 of 2965

Monday Night Combat for Xbox LIVE Arcade is a class-based, third-personshooter… and the most popular lethal sport of the future! It blends intense combat, finishing moves, and gameshow-like challenges and rewards to produce an action experi... more info..

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Burnout Paradise for Xbox 360

Burnout Paradise
Page views: 185764 | Overall Rank: 66 of 2965

Burnout 5 gives players license to wreak havoc in Paradise City, the ultimate seamless racing battleground, with a massive infrastructure of traffic-heavy roads to abuse. Gone is the need to jump in and out of menus and aimlessly search for... more info..

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Gaming,Horror Movies,Any Creepy Sh*t.Massive Fan of COD ZOMBIES.
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my holidays class
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