Telltale's Tales of Monkey Island brings the adventures of pirate Guybrush Threepwood into a new era with an explosive storyline that becomes deeper and more entangled during the course of the five-episode saga. While battling his nemesis, the evil pirate LeChuck, Guybrush accidentally unleashes an insidious voodoo pox that threatens to transform t..
On the stormy night when Jurassic Park fell apart, a desperate smuggler infiltrates Isla Nublar, hunting the precious canister containing the contraband dinosaur embryos. She collides -- literally -- with park staff trying to evacuate, and they become stranded amidst the collapsing park ruins, with the newly-freed dinosaurs on the loose. When InGen..
Join the Freelance Police for a second season of adventure, crime fighting, and chaos. Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space starts with a giant robot attack and never lets up, taking our valiant crime fighters on a gut-wrenching mission from the North Pole to Easter Island, from outer space to Hell and back. Babies will dance. Mariachis will sing. A gia..
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas took the gaming world by storm in 2006 thanks to its technological advances and gameplay innovations.
The tactical solo campaign will return, and the sequel will build on its predecessor's popular multiplayer modes. Co-op and adversarial multiplayer will return, and Vegas 2 will provide "unprece..
Assassin’s Creed is the next-gen game developed by Ubisoft Montreal that will redefine the action genre. While other games claim to be next-gen with impressive graphics and physics, Assassin’s Creed merges technology, game design, theme, and emotions into a world where you instigate chaos and become a vulnerable, yet powerful, agent of change. ..
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six makes its next-generation hardware debut in the most dramatic installment of the renowned first-person shooter franchise to date.
Rainbow operatives take to the chaotic streets of Las Vegas as an escalating terrorist siege in “Sin City” threatens to take world terrorism to new, uncontrollable heights. The f..
The face of war has changed. Enemy lines blur, and there is no longer a clear opponent. New enemies and new threats require a new type of warfare - a new type of soldier. Enter the Ghosts.
In 2013, the U.S. Army will implement the Integrated Warfighter System (IWS), evolving what we know as the modern soldier. IWS combines adva..
Far Cry 3 is the upcoming sequel to the 2008 video game.
Far beyond the reach of civilization is a mysterious island overrun with violence and suffering. While traveling with friends, you are taken captive and brutalized. Your only hope of survival lies in unraveling the dark secrets of the island and its deranged inhabitants. Alon..