Telltale's Tales of Monkey Island brings the adventures of pirate Guybrush Threepwood into a new era with an explosive storyline that becomes deeper and more entangled during the course of the five-episode saga. While battling his nemesis, the evil pirate LeChuck, Guybrush accidentally unleashes an insidious voodoo pox that threatens to transform the buccaneers of the Caribbean into unruly pirate monsters. Players will experience the humor, romance, and swashbuckling action the Monkey Island games are famous for and unravel an insidious plot which is revealed across the course of the series. Tales of Monkey Island is set to premiere on PC and WiiWare in the coming weeks.
"The Monkey Island series set the standard for storytelling and character development in games," said Telltale CEO Dan Connors. "The next several months should be filled with all kinds of surprises as we continue the dramatic stories of Guybrush, Elaine and LeChuck. We are happy to be working with LucasArts to make this happen."
On the stormy night when Jurassic Park fell apart, a desperate smuggler infiltrates Isla Nublar, hunting the precious canister containing the contraband dinosaur embryos. She collides -- literally -- with park staff trying to evacuate, and they become stranded amidst the collapsing park ruins, with the newly-freed dinosaurs on the loose. When InGen..
Join the Freelance Police for a second season of adventure, crime fighting, and chaos. Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space starts with a giant robot attack and never lets up, taking our valiant crime fighters on a gut-wrenching mission from the North Pole to Easter Island, from outer space to Hell and back. Babies will dance. Mariachis will sing. A gia..
Indiana Jones makes his way into the LEGO universe.
LucasArts and TT Games are setting the bar for next-generation family entertainment with the LEGO Star Wars franchise, and our incredible relationship continues with LEGO Indiana Jones.
In addition to providing the quality bonding time inspired by any good family game, LEGO India..
LucasArts prepping follow-up to popular action game; trailer shows return of original game's onetime Sith protagonist, possibly as a Jedi.
With Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, the epic story continues as players once again assume the role of the devastatingly powerful Starkiller -- Darth Vader's secret apprentice set during the l..
This entry in the Star Wars saga casts players as Darth Vader's "Secret Apprentice", unveiling new revelations about the Star Wars galaxy. The expansive story, created under direction from George Lucas, is set during the largely unexplored era between Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. In it, players wi..
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars features overhauled visuals and new gameplay. Other enhancements include expanded Force abilities, brand new weapons, characters, environments, and over 20 story-based missions...