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Games Radar's 9 Halo 3 Beta Questions

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Games Radar's 9 Halo 3 Beta Questions

Games Radar's 9 Halo 3 Beta Questions
Published by endless on Friday, May 18, 2007

Games Radar put up a good 9 questions regarding the Halo 3 beta.

A list of the 9 questions

1. Why don't the graphics look more next-gen?
2. Why does someone keep stealing our kills?
3. Why do we always end up in a 'Shotty Snipers' match?
4. Why doesn't it register hits when it should?
5. Why do only two players understand the rules of the game?
6. Why does every bubble shield contain a dead player?
7. Why are melee attacks so much stronger than guns?
8. Why don't we leave marks in the snow when we fall?
9. Why did they bother with the single falling leaf?

click read more to view the questions in full

News-Source: http://www.gamesradar.com

Why don't the graphics look more next-gen?
This is the main one. And we're still confused about the game's visuals. There are some cool physics and ragdoll effects, some pretty(ish) water and higher resolution textures. And... er... anyone? Gears of War makes the Halo 3 Beta look like an Xbox 1 game by comparison. And that's just not good enough for a game with nearly an extra year in development, especially considering its pedigree. The game's tagline has always been 'Combat Evolved.' So where's the evolution? We've seen the trailer and it promises so much more. How much is Bungie holding back?

Why does someone keep stealing our kills?
We've got a player in our sights and we're unloading a full clip of ammo into his chest. He falls. But where's the kill? It's only gone to someone else who happened to get the final shot in. Can't we even have an assist? Well, technically it does register those, but not score-wise. It's the gaming equivalent of the stuck jam jar lid. We loosened it, but you've got the credit for opening it. Bah.

Why do we always end up in a 'Shotty Snipers' match?
We're hitting 'veto' but no-one else cares. It's another Shotty Snipers match and we don't want it. Consensus opinion is that sniping is for wusses who hide in corners and pull their triggers quietly by themselves. And in the tight confines of the maps on offer, using a sniper rifle for such close-combat gameplay is just plain awkward. We want a proper gunfight, thanks.

Why doesn't it register hits when it should?
The target reticule turns red sometimes to indicate you'll hit your enemy. But why isn't it? We're firing shots into a player's body and skull and it's not even registering. And now they've killed us. Either it's some kind of weapon balancing thing or it's just plain broken. Either way, it's annoying as hell.

Why do only two players understand the rules of the game?
Strange one this - it seems quite a few players on the Beta servers have no idea what kind of match they're in. Take 'Oddball' as the prime example. The idea is to locate the ball (actually a skull), kill whoever's holding it, then hold it yourself for as long as you can. You can't shoot, but you can melee attack with it. Simple, right? Apparently not. The ball lies forgotten as everyone shoots each other and wonders why the score isn't going up.

Why does every bubble shield contain a dead player?
We would bet money that when you happen across an activated bubble shield, you'll find a player's corpse inside it more often than not. It's a bit lame that you can't shoot out from inside, with the result that you're now a sitting duck. How could such a promising idea work so badly in practise? Players run straight for you, knowing you can't fire until they're inside, then knock you senseless with the butt of their rifle. Which brings us on to our next question...

Why are melee attacks so much stronger than guns?
You're wearing full body armor. And holding a gun. Feel free to shoot at us. Yep, go ahead, start now, we're almost ready. Why? Because we're going to hit you over the head with our weapon before you can kill us. Works. Every. Time.

Why don't we leave marks in the snow when we fall?
Lost Planet, Amped, MotorStorm... even Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball has ground that reacts to the characters' feet. Not Halo 3. Master Chief falls heavily, sliding down a snowy slope with his body sunk deep into it. Only it hasn't. The snow remains as pristine behind him as it was when it fell. There are some footprints, but they vanish almost immediately and look flat. This isn't next-gen - it isn't even last-gen. The core game was already complete in Halo 1 or 2. All we need is next-gen flair and we'll be happy. Come on, Bungie, we want our snow angels!

Why did they bother with the single falling leaf?
In the High Ground map, you'll often see a single leaf fall from the trees above. One leaf. We could have had an autumnal scene with thousands of individually rendered leaves swirling in air disturbance from rockets... instead we get one slowly-descending leaf. That you can't shoot. That disappears through the floor.

Keep telling yourself: "It's only the Beta..."

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