Turok is an epic, story-driven first-person shooter set on a dark, mysterious planet in the near future. Players take on the role of Joseph Turok, a former Black Ops commando, now part of an elite Special Forces squad on a mission to take down a war criminal on a genetically-altered planet. After the ship is shot down while approaching the planet, Joseph Turok must use his instincts and elite military training to elude an army of well-trained soldiers, and the ravenous, unpredictable creatures that populate the dangerous environment. Joseph Turok’s mission? Survive at all costs.
Dark, gritty sci-fi world showcased through next-gen gameplay, high-resolution graphics and immersive sound
Humans are your primary enemy - highly-trained soldiers challenge players with sophisticated AI and advanced tactics
Encounter genetically-altered dinosaurs and other deadly creatures – trick them into attacking your enemies or each other
Choose your combat style - obliterate enemies with excessive firepower, or utilize fast stealth weapons (such as the bow and knife) there are multiple ways to survive depending on strategy
Operate a fleet of high-tech military vehicles
Engage in robust online multiplayer modes (details to be announced)