As Ethan Thomas, the unstable and disgraced Serial Crimes Unit investigator, players will face horrifying enemies and endless heart-stopping surprises in the shadows of a strange and sinister world. Players will utilize a new set of high-tech forensic tools and fight off violent enemies on the perilous hunt for Ethan’s missing partner. Ethan will need to use anything and everything in the environment to survive as he unravels the mysteries shrouding the city in darkness.
BRUTAL IN-YOUR-FACE COMBAT with brand new vicious combo attacks and over-the-top finishing moves. Bare-fisted combat, grappling, bone breaking and neck snapping – whatever it takes to disable the enemies.
ONLINE GAMING for up to eight players with three unique modes for the Xbox 360. Never before has the Condemned universe supported online action!
THE ARSENAL now totally expanded to include items taken straight from the environment. Tire irons, bricks, toilet seats, antlers, foos ball sticks, flaming 2x4s, mannequin arms and mop buckets just to name a few. Pick your punishment!
MASSIVE GUNPLAY made possible by powerful projectile-based weapons like the sub-gun, crossbow, shotgun, oozie, 9MM, and .45 caliber pistol.
OWN YOUR INVESTIGATION with an inventive approach to solving crime scenes naturally sewn into the action. Players will be rewarded with unlockable weapons and achievements along the way.
GRITTY REALISTIC ENVIRONMENTS with secondary objectives and multiple path solutions so that players NEVER get bored. Atmospheric elements and chilling ambiance that will make every player cringe, EVERY TIME.
SMART AND DEVIOUS ENEMIES featuring highly realistic AI behavior… befriend them and they might fight on your side.
A demented horror game from Sega and Monolith, designed for next-generation consoles and game systems. You are an FBI agent on the hunt in this gripping and sickening hunt for serial killers. The game is played in first-person perspective, and with the use of the Havok 3.0 physics engine and other advanced techniques, players can utilize anything i..
You aren't a soldier. You are a weapon. A paramilitary force infiltrates a multi billion dollar aerospace compound taking hostages, but issuing no demands. The government responds by sending in its best special operations teams, only to have them obliterated. Live footage of the massacre is cut short by an unexpected wave of destruction that leaves..
The sequel to F.E.A.R. continues the supernatural suspense story of an escalating paranormal crisis that threatens to destroy a major American city. At the center of the calamity is the mysterious Alma, whose rage against those who wronged her triggered a chain of events that has spiraled completely out of control. Instead of playing as the Point M..
Monolith Gotham City Impostors is a downloadable team based first person shooter set in the Batman universe.
Gotham City Impostors is an original download-only first-person shooter where up to 12 players battle for control of an unhinged Gotham City overrun by impostors inspired by the DC Comics characters Batman and The Jo..
Chromehounds brings squad-based multiplayer mech combat exclusively to the Xbox 360 for the first time ever. The war of the future has begun with three superpower nations fighting for world domination. Commanding giant metal war machines called “Hounds”, players must manage their tower of heavy artillery through giant war zones while engaging in co..
A demented horror game from Sega and Monolith, designed for next-generation consoles and game systems. You are an FBI agent on the hunt in this gripping and sickening hunt for serial killers. The game is played in first-person perspective, and with the use of the Havok 3.0 physics engine and other advanced techniques, players can utilize anything i..
Sonic’s universe is thrown into chaos when a mysterious new power creates ‘time holes’ which pull him and his friends back through time. As a result he encounters some surprises from his past history including Classic Sonic, Sonic as he appeared in 1991.
Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic must defeat this strange new enemy, save their frie..
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing is a kart racing game featuring characters from the Sonic series as well as Samba De Amigo and Super Monkey Ball.
Join Sonic and friends in a frantic battle race to the chequered flag. Select from your favourite Sonic and SEGA characters such as Dr. Eggman, Tails, AiAi, Amigo and many more each in their custom..
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (Sega Megadrive Ultimate Collection [PAL]) features over 40 titles from the SEGA Genesis era.
Some Games Include
Sonic The Hedehog
Golden Axe
Ecco The Dolphin
Altered Beast
+ more.
Related: SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection..