Battlestations: Midway follows the story of naval recruit Henry Walker, whose first assignment as a gunner at Pearl Harbor is the starting point of an incredible career at the heart of the US Pacific Fleet in 1942, in what was to become one of the most inspirational military campaigns in history. For the first time, relive the intensity of massive air, sea and underwater WWII battles in a unique mix of intense action and tactical gameplay. Directly control dozens of highly detailed warships, aircraft and submarines in a ‘free-control’ environment as you design and execute the best plans of attack. Command the colossal firepower of a fully armed battleship, engage the enemy in fierce dogfights through flak-infested skies or utilise the stealth of your submarine to unleash deadly torpedo attacks on unsuspecting enemies.
Players can relive classic battles with realistic locations and accurate historical detail and take part in huge multi-unit online battles with up to eight players controlling over 60 units.
Players can take direct control of over 60 different warships, planes and submarines, many of which are based on actual historical vehicles, from a 3rd-person perspective.
Single Player mode features 11 large-scale campaigns with 12 bonus challenge missions while the online multi-player combat offers an entirely new online battle experience and features head-to-head and co-operative battles featuring over 60 Allied and Japanese units.
Battlestations: Pacific, the strategy game takes place in the Pacific theater of WWII and promises to be bigger, more intense and broader in scope than the first game in this series. The campaign mode will feature more than 28 story missions, and you can expect 21 new air, sea and undersea units...
ShellShock 2: Blood Trails is an ultra-violent, survival horror FPS game set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War. Gameplay is centered on the use of psychological horror and fear, relying on the power of suggestion, mood, tension and foreshadowing to immerse players in a war that is worse than hell.
On course for war torn Vietnam, ..
Wear the suit of the ultimate assassin, you have the ability to blend into plain sight, kill with your bare hands and fashion a weapon from almost anything. You are Agent 47, the world's deadliest assassin.
The fifth game in the multi-million selling franchise showcasing IO's new Glacier 2 game engine. Hitman Absolution for PC, Xbox 360 and..
Eidos' comic book-inspired action title follows the caped crusader as he takes on the Joker and other supervillains in the titular madhouse.
Face off against Gotham's greatest villains including The Joker, Harley Quinn, Victor Zsasz and Killer Croc
Become the Invisible Predator with Batman's fear takedowns and unique vantage point syste..
A violent and chaotic journey of two men — a flawed mercenary and a medicated psychopath — and their attitudes toward right and wrong. This volatile partnership combined with innovative technologies allow for an unparalleled gaming experience...