In the distant future of WarTech™ Senko no Ronde, humanity has colonized countless new galaxies and Earth has become a planet mined for its natural resources. A violent war has erupted as nations struggle for control. Rounder Mechs fill the skies as the fate of the world is determined in head-to-head aerial combat...
G.Rev has ported its arcade shooting-fighting game to the Xbox 360.
WarTech Senko no Ronde, a new take on a famous arcade game from 2004 that has already been released in Japan with great success, thrusts the player into a distant future where humanity has colonized countless new galaxies and Earth has become a planet mined for its natur..
Reminiscent of nostalgic arcade games from the 1980s, XBox LIVE Arcade delivers an authentic robot shoot’em up with Strania. Incorporating strategic decision-making with the exhilarating action that defines the genre, Strania offers a dynamic game system and features dramatic effects plus a catchy soundtrack. Get ready for some hot arcade action as..
Highly revered shoot’em up Under Defeat pushed the Dreamcast graphics engine to the limit when it was released in 2006, offering gamers an exhilarating shooter set in a visually stunning and detail-oriented environment. The new port is the game’s rebirth in HD-quality and offers a new widescreen mode. ..