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Xbox LIVE Activity - Week of August 30, 2010

Xbox LIVE Activity - Week of August 30, 2010
Published by: forahobby on Thursday, September 09, 2010
Tagged: Gaming, Live Arcade, Live Marketplace, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Here is the latest Xbox 360 LIVE Activity for the week of August 30, 2010 This includes Xbox Live and our own 360-HQ Xbox Live statistics combined.

Our own 360-HQ Xbox LIVE data is tracked by our registered users here on the 360-HQ.com website and their activity on Xbox LIVE! Please note we do NOT track demos.

The 360-HQ Xbox LIVE top 20 list is compiled automatically by the HQ server. Our server tracks each and every Xbox LIVE Gamercard registered on our site and which games our members are playing or have played most recently.

To see the most popular games played by our 360-HQ members on Xbox LIVE scroll to the bottom of any page on HQ and you can find the top 20 Xbox LIVE games are listed in our footer on every page.

You can also browse our Xbox 360 "Top 50 Games" list which is ranked by total page views daily, or view the full 360-HQ Top 50 Xbox LIVE Games.

Xbox 360 Top LIVE Titles
1. Modern Warfare 2
2. Halo 3
3. Call of Duty: WaW
4. Call of Duty 4
5. Dead Rising: Case Zero
6. FIFA 10
8. Madden NFL 11
9. Gears of War 2
10. Battlefield Bad Co. 2
11. Red Dead Redemption
12. Mafia II Playable Demo
13. Halo 3: ODST
14. Left 4 Dead 2
15. Forza Motorsport 3
16. Vanquish DEMO
17. Mafia II
18. Trials HD
19. Fallout 3
20. Monday Night Combat
360-HQ Top 20 Games
1. Modern Warfare 2
2. Halo 3
3. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
4. Gears of War 2
5. Call of Duty 4
6. Red Dead Redemption
7. Call of Duty 5
8. Forza MotorSport 3
9. Grand Theft Auto IV
10. Madden NFL 11
11. Gears of War
12. Fallout 3
13. Rock Band 2
14. FIFA 10
15. Mafia II
16. Borderlands
17. Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
18. Mass Effect 2
19. Crackdown 2
20. Bioshock 2

Top 20 Xbox LIVE Arcade Titles
1. Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
2. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
3. Monday Night Combat
4. Limbo
5. Shank
6. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
7. Alien Breed Episode 1
8. Trials HD
9. Castle Crashers
10. Galaga Legions
11. Deadliest Warrior
12. Castlevania Harmony of Despair
13. RISK: Factions
14. UNO
15. Hydro Thunder Hurricane
16. Game Room
17. Toy Soldiers
18. Battlefield 1943
19. Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2
20. Magic: The Gathering

The above arcade list is based on full versions purchased.

Get the latest Xbox 360 news from 360-HQ using our FREE Toolbar for Internet Explorer & Firefox. The FREE 360-HQ Toolbar has over 150 FREE online hi-score flash games built in, with local weather, radio stations, Xbox LIVE features, 360-HQ Site menu, news, achievements, trailers, facebook and much much more.

360-Hq Games Database: http://games.360-hq.com
360-Hq Toolbar: http://toolbar.360-hq.com

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AUSTRALIA: The Halo: Reach Multiplayer BETA Begins May 4

AUSTRALIA: The Halo: Reach Multiplayer BETA Begins May 4
Published by: forahobby on Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tagged: Gaming, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

You’re invited to help create the next era of the multiplayer phenomenon as part of the Halo: Reach Beta, accessible from the Halo 3: ODST disc.

Halo3: ODST includes the original campaign, the complete Halo 3 multiplayer experience and your ticket to the Halo: Reach Beta. Get Halo 3: ODST for only $69.95 at participating retailers, for a limited time only!


Xbox LIVE Gold members can see an extended version of “Birth of a Spartan” on the Spotlight channel in the Dashboard starting at 11 P.M. AEST April 28. Everyone else can see the extended cut starting the next day.

* Halo Reach multiplayer beta invitation included with Halo 3: ODST – strictly limited offer – subject to availability. See halo.xbox.com for details. Xbox 360 hard drive and Xbox LIVE Gold membership (each sold separately) required.

360-Hq Games Database: Halo 3: ODST | Halo: Reach

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March 15, 2010 - Xbox LIVE Activity for the week

March 15, 2010 - Xbox LIVE Activity for the week
Published by: forahobby on Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tagged: Gaming, Live Arcade, Live Marketplace, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Here is the latest report on Xbox 360 LIVE Activity for the week March 15, 2010. This includes Xbox Live and our own 360-HQ Xbox Live statistics combined.

Where we can, we will display our own top list of most played games on XBOX LIVE. Our own data is tracked by our registered users here on the 360-HQ.com website and their activity on Xbox LIVE! Please note we do NOT track demos.

The 360-HQ Xbox LIVE top 20 list is compiled automatically by the HQ server. Our server tracks each and every Xbox LIVE Gamercard registered on our site and which games our members are playing or have played most recently.

To see the most popular game on Xbox LIVE scroll to the bottom of any page on HQ and the top 20 games are listed in our footer.

You can also browse our Xbox 360 "Top 50 Games" list which is ranked by total page views daily. This is what you see on our homepage!

Xbox 360 Top LIVE Titles
1. Modern Warfare 2
2. Halo 3
3. Battlefield Bad Co. 2
4. Call of Duty: WaW
5. FIFA 10
6. Splinter Cell Conviction Demo
7. Call of Duty 4
9. Gears of War 2
11. Left 4 Dead 2
12. Just Cause 2 Demo
13. Forza Motorsport 3
14. Perfect Dark
15. Borderlands
16. Madden NFL 10
17. NBA 2K10
18. Halo 3: ODST
19. Toy Soldiers
20. NHL 10
360-HQ Top 20 Games
1. Modern Warfare 2
2. Halo 3
3. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
4. Call of Duty 4
5. Grand Theft Auto IV
6. Gears of War 2
7. FIFA Soccer 10
8. Call of Duty 5
9. Mass Effect 2
10. Forza MotorSport 3
11. Final Fantasy XIII
12. Rock Band 2
13. Borderlands
14. Gears of War
15. Fallout 3
16. Perfect Dark
17. Bioshock 2
18. Left 4 Dead 2
19. Fable II
20. Halo 3: ODST

Top 20 Xbox LIVE Arcade Titles
1. Perfect Dark
2. Toy Soldiers
3. Trials HD
4. Castle Crashers
5. Scrap Metal
6. UNO
7. Battlefield 1943
8. Marvel vs. Capcom 2
9. Hasbro Family Game Night **
10. Magic: The Gathering
11. DOOM
12. Worms 2: Armageddon
13. Zombie Apocalypse
14. Marble Blast Ultra
15. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 Classic Arcade
16. Peggle
17. Worms
18. Portal: Still Alive
19. A Kingdom for Keflings
20. Shadow Complex

The above arcade list is based on full versions purchased.
**Combined sales of all Hasbro Family Game Night titles

Get the latest Xbox 360 news from 360-HQ using our FREE Toolbar for Internet Explorer & Firefox. The FREE 360-HQ Toolbar has over 150 FREE online hi-score flash games built in, with local weather, radio stations, Xbox LIVE features, 360-HQ Site menu, news, achievements, trailers, facebook and much much more.

360-Hq Games Database: http://games.360-hq.com
360-Hq Toolbar: http://toolbar.360-hq.com

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Banned Xbox Live Users Class Action Lawsuit

Banned Xbox Live Users Class Action Lawsuit
Published by: forahobby on Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tagged: Gaming, Hardware, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

A potential Class Action Lawsuit at Abington IP against Microsoft following the recent spate of Xbox Live bannings has appeared. Abington IP are encouraging banned users to take part.

An investigation is currently being conducted regarding business practices of Microsoft with respect to its recent cancellation of certain modified Xbox consoles for use with Xbox Live.

As has been reported widely in the media, tens of thousands of Xbox owners have had their modified Xbox consoles banned from Microsoft's online gaming service Xbox Live. Although modification of Xbox consoles is against the terms of use for Xbox/Xbox Live, Microsoft "conveniently" timed the Xbox console ban to occur just after the release of the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 game and less than two months after the release of the very popular Halo 3: ODST game. This "convenient" timing may have resulted in more Xbox Live subscription revenues for Microsoft than it would have generated had these Xbox console bans taken place at some time before the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Halo 3: ODST. Additionally, sales of both Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (published by Activision) and Halo 3: ODST (published by Microsoft Game Studios) would likely have been greatly diminished had the Xbox console ban occurred prior to the release of these games.

If you are an Xbox Live subscriber, had your modified Xbox console banned from Xbox Live, were not refunded a prorated sum for the time left on your subscription, and would like to participate in a class action against Microsoft, please submit your information below.

News-Source: www.abingtonlaw.com

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Halo 3: ODST sells 2.5 million copies

Halo 3: ODST sells 2.5 million copies
Published by: forahobby on Saturday, October 10, 2009
Tagged: Gaming, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

According to Bungie's latest stats, you and about 2,533,978 of your closest friends have already cooperatively played through 47,000,000 online games.

"Some new numbers made it out onto the interweb this week that chart the sales progress of our latest little title, Halo 3: ODST. Word is that it's already reached a tremendously stupendous tally of 2.5 million copies sold. When Miller said it was dropping into all stores, everywhere, turns out he wasn't kidding around.

According to our online stats page, you and about 2,533,978 of your closest friends have already cooperatively chewed though a thoroughly frightening forty seven million online games. You've collectively banded together to purge the galaxy of over one billion Brutes and over 1.5 billion Grunts. You, dear friends, are a freakishly-focused and digitally genocidal conglomeration of alien exterminatin' maniacs. The Covenant ain't got nothin' on you. We're just glad that you're on our side.

We're also glad you're playing. Great news like this reminds the hardworking men and ladies on the Bungie team why they do what they do. Thanks for picking up our game."

360-Hq Games Database: Halo 3: ODST for Xbox 360
News-Source: www.bungie.net

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LIVE Activity for week ending September 21, 2009

LIVE Activity for week ending September 21, 2009
Published by: forahobby on Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tagged: Gaming, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Here is the latest report on Xbox 360 LIVE Activity for the week of September 21st, 2008. This includes Xbox Live & 360-HQ Xbox Live statistics combined.

Where we can, we will also display our own list of most played games on XBOX LIVE as tracked by the 360-HQ.com website with all LIVE Activity news..:)

The 360-HQ Xbox LIVE top 10 list is compiled automatically by our the HQ server which tracks each and every gamercard on our site and what game they are playing or have played most recently.

You can check the top 10 games at anytime by browsing our "Xbox 360 Games Database".

360-HQ Top 10 Retail
1. Halo 3
2. Halo 3: ODST
3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
4. Call of Duty 5: WaW
5. Gears of War 2
6. Madden NFL 10
7. Grand Theft Auto IV
8. Batman: Arkham Asylum
9. Gears of War
10. Rock Band 2

The list below are statistics from XBOX LIVE itself.. Read on..:)

Xbox 360 Top Live Titles
1. Halo 3
2. Halo 3: ODST
3. Call of Duty 4
4. Call of Duty: WaW
5. Gears of War 2
6. Forza 3 Demo (Download the demo)
7. Madden NFL 10 (Download the demo)
9. FIFA Soccer 10 Demo (Download the demo)
10. FIFA 09
Top LIVE Arcade Titles
1. Zombie Apocalypse
2. Pinball FX
3. Trials HD
4. Shadow Complex
5. Battlefield:1943
6. The Warriors: Street Brawl
7. NBA 2K10 Draft Combine
8. Castle Crashers
10. Marvel vs. Capcom 2

The above arcade list is based on full versions purchased.

As always for more of the latest gaming info, screenshots, trailers & videos, cheats and much more check back to our site or download and install our FREE 360-HQ toolbar for Internet Explorer, Firefox and most other browsers..

360-Hq Game Database: games.360-hq.com
360-Hq Toolbar: toolbar.360-hq.com

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