Killing Floor 3 is the next installment in the legendary co-op action/horror FPS series. The year is 2091, 70 years after the events in Killing Floor 2, and megacorp Horzine has produced the ultimate army: an obedient horde of bio-engineered monstrosities called Zeds. Now, the only thing standing between these infernal creations and the future of humanity is the rebel rogue group known as Nightfall. This intense first-person shooter puts players in the role of a Nightfall specialist, joining forces with up to five teammates as they battle through a war-ravaged, dystopian future, surviving unrelenting waves of Zeds, unlocking new skills, and building the ultimate arsenal.
The ‘Making a Monster’ video offers a behind-the-scenes look at the artistry, craftsmanship, and passion poured into the video, including the design and development of the iconic Fleshpound, just one of the many terrifying Zeds players will face when Killing Floor 3 launches worldwide.
Join Bryan Wynia, Creative Director at Tripwire Interactive, along with Neil Huxley and Milan Nikolic from Hydra Studios, for an intimate discussion detailing the body horror inspirations, creative process, and production of the Killing Floor 3 reveal trailer, setting the terrifying tone for the next chapter in the legendary action/horror Killing Floor franchise.
Killing Floor 3 will release on Xbox Series X|S PlayStation 5, and PC platforms in 2024.