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Ridge Racer Unbounded Announced for Xbox 360, PS3 & PC

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Ridge Racer Unbounded Announced for Xbox 360, PS3 & PC

Ridge Racer Unbounded Announced for Xbox 360, PS3 & PC
Published by forahobby on Friday, February 04, 2011
Tagged: Gaming, Xbox 360,
Bandai Namco Games announce Ridge Racer Unbounded, scheduled for release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in 2012.

Namco Bandai's racer series returns to consoles after a five-year absence, adding a dose of destruction to the infamous arcade gameplay. The new trailer attached below previews some of the destruction you are sure to experience once Ridge Racer Unbounded hits store shelves.

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 Latest Ridge Racer Unbounded Screenshots (33)
Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #21408Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #21407Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #21406Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #21405Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #21404
Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #21403Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #21402Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19171Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19170Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19169
Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19168Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19167Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19166Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19165Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19164
Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19163Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19162Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19161Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19160Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19045
Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19044Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #19043Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #17024Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #17023Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #16510
Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #16509Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #16508Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #16507Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #16506Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #15612
Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #15611Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #15610Ridge Racer Unbounded screenshot #15609
 Most Recent Trailers for Ridge Racer Unbounded
Ridge Racer Unbounded - Gamescom 2011 Gameplay Trailer
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Ridge Racer Unbounded - Drive, Destroy & Dominate Debut Gameplay Trailer
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Published on May 12, 2011 07:05:41
Ridge Racer Unbounded Official Teaser Trailer
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Published on April 10, 2011 05:04:23
Ridge Racer Unbounded Debut "First Look" Reveal Trailer
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Published on February 5, 2011 02:02:02
View All Videos for Ridge Racer Unbounded (4)

Ridge Racer Unbounded Achievements (50)

There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points available
Best In The World AchievementBest In The World
Win all 5 events in any 8 player City Domination match.
100100 gamerpoints
Race Master AchievementRace Master
Finish 1st in every Shatter Bay Domination Race.
100100 gamerpoints
Domination Incarnate AchievementDomination Incarnate
Dominate all districts in Shatter Bay.
2525 gamerpoints
Fragging Ball AchievementFragging Ball
Frag 10 cars in one 8 player Domination Race.
2525 gamerpoints
Time Lord AchievementTime Lord
Get three domination stars in all Time Attack events.
2525 gamerpoints
View All Achievements for Ridge Racer Unbounded (50)

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Ridge Racer Unbounded

Bugbear Entertainment Ltd.


- Mar 27, 2012 (US)
- Mar 27, 2012 (US)
- TBA 2012
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