Bionic Commando Pushed BackPublished by wes213 on Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tagged: Gaming, Xbox 360,
I have been waiting for what seems like a life time to get my hands on this game and as far as all the reports go it looks like like i will be waiting even longer then expected, i hope its worth the wait and one thing is for sure and that is the dev team is saying this game is not going to be as easy as most would like.
Kotaku Reports: Speaking with Capcom's Ben Judd and GRIN's Ulf Andersson today at TGS, we learned that Bionic Commando - which is playable on the showroom floor - won't be out in 2008. Instead, it's been delayed to early 2009. Or, as they put it, "very eeeeaaaarrrlllyyy 2009". That's the console versions, too; the PC version might be out at the same time, it might not, Andersson saying that version's date is "up to marketing".
The PC is always a slippery slope because of piracy, stuff like sorting out DRM, making sure we don't have too little or too much. But also because we want to make sure it doesn't feel like a port, so we can add a little extra polish to the PC version.
Sad, no? Still, "early 2009" isn't as far away as it used to be.
On a side note relaiting to the games diffaculty here is what was said: People are worried that Bionic Commando might be a bit too hard. I’m one of them. There’s a fear that, because the game’s swinging mechanic is both integral to the game and difficult to master at the same time, a lot of players may not take the time to learn the system and give up on the game. Is this a concern to the development team? No, not really. Making the mechanic hard was the whole point, says GRIN's Ulf Andersson:
It’s not f***in’ Spider-Man. We made a swing mechanism that’s not automatic. This means you have to focus a bit more, because it’s a proper mechanic instead of just a button press; it’s the core mechanic of the game. Everything in the game is built around that, from the environments to the enemy.
It’s really hard to do a good swing mechanic. Not many games have got it right. But we’re all really proud of ours. The original Bionic Commando was skill-based. There was a risk in jumping: you might die, you might not. We’ve stayed true to that core mood and feeling of the original in our game.
That mechanic will be too hard for some. Heck, might be too hard for many. But for others, it'll be a hoot. It’s at least refreshing to see a developer make a decision like this and stick with it, if only so you kids that are always complaining about stuff being dumbed down can take a look.
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Bionic Commando
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