Average Looking Madden 09
Published by wes213 on Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tagged: Gaming, Xbox 360,
The first real game play footage has hit the net for Madden o9 and i must say if this clip is a testament to the rest of the game i will just edit my players for Madden 08 on the Xbox 1 and skip it this year.
With the madden name getting so big that it has no real competition it would seem they have stopped bothering to make any real innovative moves and with no real NFL games to go against it they wont need to.
Since my opinion is not the sites opinion have a look at this footage and see if you can spot the things that separate 08 from 09.

I might be wrong here but is it really to much to ask that the Madden franchise (the franchise with all the money and big names) put out a game that really changes it up and makes the fans stop in there tracks and say "damn thats nice" in the same way Call Of Duty 4 made you forget what Call Of Duty 3 even looked like?
With all this out there I'm sure the true Madden fans will keep on buying the game and be happy with a new way to train your team or a new way to be the team coach but the same way salt will make a slight change to your mashed potatoes Madden is the same game it has been for some time now and my mashed potatoes are still just mashed potatoes, just saltier.
I know that I'm coming down harsh on this one but i feel that by now it should be so much more and if you feel that I'm wrong pleas post in the forum and let me know why, or just call me names.
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