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Speaking My Mind "ScarFace" About The Site.
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 Speaking My Mind "ScarFace" About The Site. View previous topic :: View next topic  

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Post Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:01 am   
Post subject: Speaking My Mind "ScarFace" About The Site.
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Well ok first of all, all the people that have contributed and done something to help this site i thank you and so does the 360-hq network or xbox-hq any of the sites. I am glad for all you that help put out the effort to do so i do as much as i can to and im in a delema right now with trying to find a job like most people are. I have done helped out a lot of people on this site same as people has helped me out in return.

I have sold a lot of things on here for Cheap just cus i know some people cant afford to pay to buy them brand new or even used peoples prices are crazy mine are affordable and as you can see in my service topic many are happy and i have many that ask me where do i get my stuff and how much am i making off of it in fact for truth you want to know im not making a dam thing off anything i sell to anyone after i pay for the item and get it shipped it equals out the same even after paypal takes there money out. I do it to help people out on here thats what i like to do but seems like a lot of people do not care to help the site out, Why?

That is a question we have 100,000+ members on this site and i know ever single one on here has had some help in some way were someone went way out of the way and helped in a big way tords you just for the satisfaction on helping thats all they didnt care about geting anything back.

Yes there has been a few aholes on here that are greedy and that have scamed some members and we are sorry for that it happens no matter what site you go to people get away with it and it really sucks when it happens but you do have a community on here that trys and helps the best way out for the members that have been known for a long time and helped the site out it is tragic to see this stuff go on trust me when i see them post like that i get so pissed off when shit happens to other people, specially when you worked so hard to get it and that but this is besides the point.

Ok Donating to the Site does not acually mean donating money it means helping the site out any way you can if you have 1 day out of the week that you can spare or a hour a day or 10mins it does not take to long to write up a review do a news thing or even dig the news. Which if you look below my sig you can see a link to dig the news sign up on it and its free. This is also donating this helps the site out. We have over 100k members on here and we get maybe what 10-20 diggs per thing come on this is pethetic in my mind we should be hiting 1000 each one if not more. Think of all the time that someone has helped you with your question how many times you go back to reply but you cant take a few mins out of your time to contribute back i think this is bullshit, maybe you have kids and all that yes there is a lot of members that have kids too and they are contributing a hour a day a few mins of ther time to help everyone else out.

I am geting sickened in the mind by all this that we have so so many members out ther that ask for help and get that help but cant take the time to help the site that has helped you so much with info from other members of this site. Just think if this site was not here right now and you would be over probably on www.xbox-scene.com and having twirpted out assholes over there down talking you ever step. Buck up and help out please what if all of us just stopped helping everyone else out then there would be no site.

Hobbs has to so much time to make this site happen i do not want to get in to his personal life with everyone which i will not but trust me im suprise he is doing all this and still making it happen and hobbs man thanks so much for doing this man i love this site and i will be with it forever bro. All that set to the side you guys donating is not hard does not have to involve money just a few mins of your time i dont see how people have time to go visit this site check out the posts but dont have the freakin time to help out come on give me a break thats some bs.

My last remarks is please it really does not take that long to help out takes maybe 1-2mins to digg all are news. Go to www.digg.com then after you sign up Book Mark this: http://digg.com/search?s=www.360-hq.com&area=all&type=all&search-buried=1&sort=new&section=news

and check it every once and awhile to see what new news has not been dug by you or right up some reviews about your games that you like or do news here is a link to understand how to do all them and if you need help ask we can train people and help ya out. here is the link http://www.360-hq.com/forum38.html

I think it is everyones right to help out people on here and that way there would be way more fun things we can do for everyone. I hate to see a site that is full of people just greedy and looking to get stuff free without contributing to the site in some way so im done saying what i have to say dont like it then dont stay on this site cus we do not need people around here not helping or geting helped and not returning the stuff in some way of time.

Again thanks to all that have donated time or money to this site and thanks for your guys support in helping the site and helping out people it makes a good site run smooth with all you that are helping I ScarFace Thank you personaly and i hope this gets out to everyone on here i will keep bumping this post for a very long time and anyone else care to contribute to the same thing please speak your mind or need help doing this stuff let us know. This is such a great freaking site and if we can get more people to help get it going more with geting more people involved and are comunity it will just grow and get even bigger and we can show those aholes over on xbox-scene that they are not top dog at all we are.

The one the only Scarface!!

Last edited by SCARFACE on Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:22 am   
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Scarface is right guys. It DOESN'T take long to write a review, submit news, hell even copy and paste news from another site with even a LITTLE personal view on it, and it'll be reviewed by an admin and approved for the homepage.

It really doesn't take very much at all to contribute back to the site that has helped ALL OF US out when we thought there was nobody online that was nice or helpful without having to take a mouthful of trash talk and flaming, and the proverbial, "use google to find out douchbag" flame, jesus christ, before i became a member here, and eventually an admin, how many effing times did i hear that shit from some sites?? Too many to mention.

So come on for f**k sakes, it doesn't take much at all to give a little back.

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Post Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:39 am   
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Well said Scarface, well said. If I might I'll add my own here.

I have been with HQ since July of 2006. It all started out on xbox-hq when I first softmodded my xbox. I received the SID 1.01 from a local modding site, and of course the files were untouched so upon the reading the readme I discovered it was made by DJB from xbox-hq.com I obviously went there when I had questions about my newly modded xbox. I was answered quickly and fully in a way I could understand. I have been through x-s looking for answers but it is just a site full of arrogant people who think you should have to dig through their broken website. On HQ I have never been treated disrespectfully and people have always pointed me in the right direction.

Now when I finally got my xbox 360 back in May of 2007 I of course came here to 360-hq the sister site to xbox-hq.com pc-hq.com and psp-hq.com and any questions I had I asked, and of course I got answered. Now with me being more knowledgeable about 360's and my more knowledge about the sites I help others out. I have no problem at all digging through our pages to find what people are looking for, because I know the site inside and out. When we don't have the info I will dig through Google to find the member(s) what they were looking for because that’s what we do at HQ Network, we treat our members like family and pass on the knowledge. Now I have spent many hours on this site helping out (I am 360-hq's achievement admin, one of the forum moderators, and I help out with screenshots and box art now too) I have spent many hours on this site as with many other of the admins, moderators, and even regular members. No one on here has contributed as much as the HQ Network owner and head administrator forahobby. He codes EVERYTHING in the site on his own and does a great job on it. No other site has the tools we have on our site because everything on here is custom coded (gamercards, gamerscore tracking, xbox live leaderboards) all by Forahobby. Let me just say thank you to Forahobby for the best xbox and xbox 360 site around and it is much appreciated. Now he spends a ton of his time on these sites and as his name suggests all of this is "For a Hobby" so he is taking the time and money to run these sites out of his own pocket. Now it is not cheap to run sites like these which is why we are running tournaments like this now these aren't designed to raise revenue for the site, they are designed to gain interest in the site (please note ALL prizes have been DONATED to the site by Scarface and Forahobby) This site is also non profit, the reason you see advertisements is because the site has to pay for itself somehow, and right now our VIP does not generate enough new members to pay the server bill. Now our VIP is one of the best services out there. It is near instant responses to all questions modding related to all of our sites (360-hq, psp-hq, xbox-hq, pc-hq) and for a very cheap cost for what you get. Now I'm not saying you need to go out and purchase a VIP membership but it would be greatly appreciated. All that the site asks for you to do is enjoy the site, learn to know our members, learn to know your hardware, learn to know the site, and eventually maybe one day you will be able to help new or old members out with your newly acquired knowledge. I'm sure you will enjoy the site and hopefully get involved. Now there are many ways to help the site out and donating money is just one of them, an equally important one is to donate your time. I'm not here to preach to help the site out I'm just saying there are ways to get involved and to help out. If you want to know ways to help out just check towards the end of this post.

I hope this opens members eyes to what the site is and how we run. Everyone on here donates their time and money to help out other members who are looking for help with their console. This site has grown to be very big and still is NOT a business. If you ask me this is a great feat seeing how sites this big usually are bought out and become businesses. Also this site is one of the biggest sites in Australia alone so it is another great feat, and give a great big hand out to Forahobby, all of the staff, and all of our members to make this site what it is. Now that you know about the site I'll give you some ways that you can help out, also feel free to comment and let us know what you think

Ways to help out

1) Digg our news
2) Rate our Boxxet page
3) Help other members out in our forums
4) Get your friends in on the site, we have lots of information on xbox 360 and years of knowledge with xbox1
5) Write a review or news this is how
6) Become a VIP member to help the site out and get express replies on modding information

Things around the site

- Sitemap
- forums
- Call of Duty 4 Tournament
- VIP Signup (works on all of our HQ sites)

Our other sites


Useful Links

- http://digg.com/search?s=www.360-hq.com&area=all&type=all&search-buried=1&sort=new&section=news - our 360-hq digg news
- http://www.boxxet.com/Xbox_360/Source:Hq.Com - our hq boxxet page

If you have any questions feel free to ask/comment and thanks for reading.


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Last edited by frozenfire1 on Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:04 am   
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frozenfire12 wrote:
I am 360-hq's achievement admin, one of the forum moderators, and I help out with screenshots and box art now too

And one of our finest i might add


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Post Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:27 am   
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Thanks for the backup guys and extra info i was pretty frustrated when writing this but like this is a example of how people help out right there buy adding the extra info and that and like i said i will keep bumping this tell it gets through peoples heads how much time a lot of people put on here and all we ask is just a little time of yours, actually we dont even do that.we just would hope that you guys can get some time to do it yourself without asking and as frozenfire has added all the ways to help the site out and there you go get at it. Atleast sign up for digg and digg the news its so easy takes maybe 1-2mins to dig everything that was older and new and then from there it takes maybe 30secs. We should have well over 1000 diggs on each news article that gets posted so please help guys. Thanks so much hope everyone gets a chance to read it.
The one the only Scarface!!

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Post Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 9:24 am   
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i signed up at boxxet but did not see any options for rating.

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Post Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:34 pm   
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gamexxover wrote:
i signed up at boxxet but did not see any options for rating.

It took me a while to find too, but on our news theres a little star beside it, you need to mouse over it

Predtech wrote:
And one of our finest i might add

Thanks bud, I just do my best to help the site that has helped me out endlessly


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Post Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:23 pm   
Post subject: Think About It
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And, if you're like myself guys. (and I know there are many of you) You have family, no matter how small, it takes so much of your focused attention. Or, you have that hellacious J.O.B. and makes you crazy money but, it takes so much of your dedicated time. Either way, if you're in any situation that REMOTELY resembles those and you think you JUST DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO make content contributuons....contribute cash!
It's that simple. Now, don't go and get all scared. None of it is "required" that's why it's a donation. But, think about this for just a second. Considering the number of members to this site. If every member simply contributed ONE measley dollar ($1) or even $2 every month....Just every month. This site is definitely WORTH that much to you and me. Tell the truth! If this site was gone tomorrow when you tried to log in, wouldn't you shake your head and say to yourself, "Man, if I could bring that site back to life with $1 or$2...I'd do it right now????"
We ALL love this site and have benefitted from it. We've all become more game console savy as a result and it's THIS SITE that has provided that knowledge to you.
Imagine it. $1 or $2 a month or even every 2 months....think how much this site could provide for me & you. Think how this site would grow into the "cornerstone" site in the world for everything XBOX 360....AND YOU HELPED BUILD THAT!!! Besides, Hobbs could stop worrying about how he's gonna feed his a**! LMMFAO
Seriously, If you can donate the minutes then, by all means, DO SO! If you can't, PLEASE, donate the dollars. It's truly a donation to yourself.

Think about it.

HOBBS: We need a donate button.


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Post Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:48 pm   
Post subject: Re: Think About It
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Randwuulfe wrote:
And, if you're like myself guys. (and I know there are many of you) You have family, no matter how small, it takes so much of your focused attention. Or, you have that hellacious J.O.B. and makes you crazy money but, it takes so much of your dedicated time. Either way, if you're in any situation that REMOTELY resembles those and you think you JUST DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO make content contributuons....contribute cash!

your absolutly right, but you don't have to make a cash or content contribution to help the site out. You can simply make a digg.com account and digg our news (I posted a link to our news above and theres one in my sig) after you digg all (or most of our news) for the first time which will take about 5-10 minutes, it would take you under 2 minutes a week to digg all our current news. Another thing you can do is sign up for boxxet and rate our news (link above) again a simple thing that will take a few minutes a week. a donation to the site or signing up for vip is one great way to support the site, but we understand some members have financial issues so we offer other (very little time consuming too) options to help us out which is, digg, and boxxet. If you have any questions on how to help the site out or if you want to post your own comment on what you think feel free to do so.


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Post Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:51 am   
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Alright i did a test with me and my buddy and it took me and him 20mins to digg all the news that has been posted since 360-hq first started posting on digg so that should give a clue how long it takes to digg all the stuff and then from there it takes a min or so of your time from the week to check the new digg storys and digg them.
The one the only Scarface!!

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