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Post Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:57 pm   
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I don't want to sound like I'm flaming other consoles or whatever because it doesn't bother me anymore, I got over it years ago, but I did heavily blame the Playstation and the mentallity that went with it back in the day. Not sure how many people would agree with me but when I was a kid consoles were associated with only the sadest kids at school, if you had one you were wierd and uncool. Grown ups didn't use them and cool kids went out and played in the street etc.

So for years thats how things were, then all of a sudden Playstation made it COOL to own a console, not just for kids but for late teens/young men etc and people went crazy for them. Obviously when everyone went nuts on the ps2 when it came out, despite its game library paling in comparison to that of the DC in its first year or so, the DC never stood a chance and was battered into oblivion. And all because it had now become socially acceptable to own a console, as long as it was the latest Sony kit.

That's just my experience of it from back in the day. I was never "cool" enough because my family weren't rich enough to splash out on the latest console, we always had the generation before, so if the Saturn had just come out we were just getting into the Mega Drive. The Dreamcast was the first and last machine I bought on release.

Sad days they were when the DC died. Shenmue 2 alone was probably the greatest reason why DC should still be around. Third Person action games owe a heck of a lot to the Shenmue series. It showed it was possible to create an immense world and still tell a good story with lots of characters. You don't get quality like that nowadays though lol

Sorry I'm babbling Nostalgicly again, I'll shut up lol



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Post Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:15 pm   
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Ultrapro wrote:
I don't want to sound like I'm flaming other consoles or whatever because it doesn't bother me anymore, I got over it years ago, but I did heavily blame the Playstation and the mentallity that went with it back in the day. Not sure how many people would agree with me but when I was a kid consoles were associated with only the sadest kids at school, if you had one you were wierd and uncool. Grown ups didn't use them and cool kids went out and played in the street etc.

So for years thats how things were, then all of a sudden Playstation made it COOL to own a console, not just for kids but for late teens/young men etc and people went crazy for them. Obviously when everyone went nuts on the ps2 when it came out, despite its game library paling in comparison to that of the DC in its first year or so, the DC never stood a chance and was battered into oblivion. And all because it had now become socially acceptable to own a console, as long as it was the latest Sony kit.

That's just my experience of it from back in the day. I was never "cool" enough because my family weren't rich enough to splash out on the latest console, we always had the generation before, so if the Saturn had just come out we were just getting into the Mega Drive. The Dreamcast was the first and last machine I bought on release.

Sad days they were when the DC died. Shenmue 2 alone was probably the greatest reason why DC should still be around. Third Person action games owe a heck of a lot to the Shenmue series. It showed it was possible to create an immense world and still tell a good story with lots of characters. You don't get quality like that nowadays though lol

Sorry I'm babbling Nostalgicly again, I'll shut up lol


I think u got the nail and hit it on the head mate.

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Post Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:26 pm   
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why thank you. that's just how my video game experiences went from the age of about 10 upwards. We got an old Atari when Master System was out I think, then when we got the Master System people were already going nuts for the Genesis etc etc...

one heartbreak after another for me with Sega really lol, I got the Saturn in May 98, and eventually got a good 40 games for it including such gems as Steep slope Sliders, Street Fighter Alpha, Burning Rangers and Panzer Dragoon Saga etc and then literally towards the end of 98 it was gone... Sega crushed me again lol. but hey, it wasn't there fault, still at that age (i was 16 by 98 ) I didn't understand the console market from a financial standpoint.

Anyway yes... lets hope that some day sega decide to make a dreamcast 2. The whole Dreamcast classics thing COULD be a test to see how much interest there is in those title still. To be honest though in the meantiime I would actually do anything to have Jet Set Radio, Shenmue 1 and 2 and PSO ver 2 on the xbla, that would quite literally blow my mind.



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