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A Noobs Guide to Battlefield Bad Company 2
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:06 am   
Post subject: A Noobs Guide to Battlefield Bad Company 2
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Ok so you've never played a Battlefield game before or you just want to dust off those skills. Well your in luck. I have compiled a list of helpful hints to help you out. Got some more?? Feel free to add below

Hulk is angry!

One of the best things about Battlefield Bad Company is its destructive environments. The developers crammed the maps full of buildings with nooks and crannies with destruction in mind, so don’t put their hard work to waste. Why go in after an enemy when you can blow them out? Taking out a wall will not only land you a kill, it will keep you alive to slay another. So don’t be gentle, Hulk smash!

This aint no stinkin’ Call of Duty

In Call of Duty Modern Warfare you can get away with running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but not in Battlefield. While both games are similar in some ways Battlefield is a bit more tactical, so you must adjust accordingly. Try relaxing a bit, Battlefield is action packed, but its not a constant kill/die/respawn fest like CoD. Take your time and only fire when you have a clear shot and are sure you will land the kill. This will bump up your kill to death ratio and cut down on your time sitting in the respawn lobby.

Being a creep is good

Are Snipers getting you down? Don’t worry, we have a tip just for you. When the maps seem crowded with Snipers keep a low profile and creep around. Maneuver your way through buildings where Snipers will have trouble landing a solid hit on you. Once you are in their building climb up to their rooftop perch and have your way with them. They’ll be too focused looking through their scope that they won’t even have noticed you right under their nose.

Cover is your new best friend

Just because everything has the potential to be blown to smithereens doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use cover at all times. Buildings are great places too hide, but aren’t the only pieces of cover that are effective. On city levels use concrete walls and burned out cars as cover, anything that puts that little something extra between you and a bullet is great. Be sure not to forget to use the trees and densely foraged fields to hide from your enemies. Sometimes crouching in a bush can be even more useful than an entire house.

Follow bullet trails

Enemy fire heading your way is never a good thing, but it can be used to your advantage. Keep a keen eye out for bullet trails from launched RPGs, snipers, and other weaponry. Fully automatic weapons are a bit tougher to catch from afar, but you should be able to spot Sniper fire fairly easy.

Don’t waste precious resources

There is no point in unloading entire clips of primary ammunition into enemy tanks. Even if there is only a slither of health left on it you most likely won’t cause it much harm. Instead, lob grenades, launch RPGs, and fire off your secondary rounds to do more damage. If you have some sort of other explosive like C4 now is the time to use it. Save your primary ammo for ground troops and smaller vehicles like Quads, not tanks and large trucks.

Smart Spawn

Randomly spawning onto the battlefield is not always your best option. Use your teammates positions to get to the action quicker. There is no sense in gunning across the map every time to get where the enemy troops are located. Save yourself the time and frustration by using your teammates to your advantage, that’s what they are there for after all. With that said, sometimes the best bet is to get away from the action for a moment to approach the target at a different angle, this is when you should randomly respawn onto the map.

Know when to quit!

When you are in a tank, or any vehicle for that matter, you don’t have make it your grave. What I mean is, use the vehicle to get off a couple of frags and then bail before you go out in a fiery death. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had half my squad decimated after they failed to exit before it went up in smoke. Get in, take care of business, and then get out of there!

Advanced Tank Warfare

Everybody wants to drive the tank and when the enemy has control of it everyone wants a piece of it. Well I’m going to give you a hint that should score you a few extra kills pretty easily. When an enemy squad has control over the tank don’t attack it directly. You heard me correctly, don’t attack. Instead what you are going to focus on is picking off the enemy attackers that are swarming around and working hard at taking it down. It’s a win-win situation. The enemy is too busy hurling heavy artillery towards the tank to notice you off to the side picking them off one by one and when they do manage to destroy the tank they did all the hard work for you.

Objective Based, Not Kill-Based

Contrary to how a lot of people play Battlefield, killing members of the other team is NOT your objective. Killing other players is a fringe-benefit of completing objectives.

Your overall objective is to destroy targets dotted across the map, usually two crates in each zone. These crates represent your holy crusade. If you’re on the attacking team, every thing you do as a player should be geared towards taking down a crate. Any activity not related to taking down a crate is a waste of time. If you’re on defense, saving those crates is your prime directive.

Why This is Effective: The entire game is based around destroying or saving crates. Destroy all the crates as the attacking team and you win. Prevent the attacking team from destroying your crates and you win. It’s as simple as that. Winning has nothing to do with how many players you kill, unless you are on defense, where every kill will slowly bring you towards victory, but not at the expense of losing crates.

Hey Rambo, Join a Squad!

I was hoping that DICE, the designers of BC2, would make joining a squad mandatory in their latest version of the game, but my hopes and dreams didn’t pan out. It’s too bad, as compulsory squad enlistment would go a long way in forcing players to play properly. As it stands, you have the option to either join a squad or go it alone when loading up a new map.

There is zero reason not to join a squad, nor is there a single benefit to playing solo.

Why This is Effective: Joining a squad allows you to spawn with any living squad-mate currently playing on the map. If you have squadie who has already penetrated enemy lines then you can select him and spawn right next to his location, giving him a much-needed hand. This saves you a ton of time by not forcing you to run or drive from the initial base all the way to the objective. With a full squad of four guys, you’ll usually have three good spawning options, allowing you to appear closer to the action. This ensures you keep the pressure on the opposing team. If you elect to not join a squad, then you will always spawn at a base, costing you valuable time.

Additionally, joining a squad opens up a ton of extra scoring modifiers that will greatly increase your point total.

Proper Spawning

A lot of people just button-mash the spawn button until they return to action, giving little thought about where they are appearing or why. If you’re in a squad then you have a lot of options. You can either spawn with a teammate or at your base, depending upon your current needs.

When you die and the time to spawn arrives, analyze the map and see what assets you have available in the form of vehicles or aircraft. If there is an unused tank at your main base then you should spawn there and use the asset. If the base is empty of assets, then spawn with a member of your squad.

Why This is Effective: One sure way for a team to lose a round of BC2 is by not using all available assets. If your team is not using available tanks, helicopters or UAV, then your team is going to lose. Nothing is more depressing than watching your entire team just go running by all the heavy equipment as they make their long journey towards an enemy position.

If you have a squad-mate in a tank or copter then you can spawn within his vehicle, assuming a position is free. You’ll wrack up extra points working as a unit, plus you’ll be using available assets at their maximum efficiency.

Play Your Class

Every class in BC2 has special abilities that can make all the difference between victory or defeat. Additionally, using these abilities will earn you extra points for faster leveling. If you’re a medic, then you should be dropping med-kits where your teammates are making a stand, plus reviving dead teammates as they go down. If you’re an engineer then you should be using your wrench to fix damaged vehicles. Pay attention to the radar, as icons will appear that indicate what needs doing by your class. If you see a wrench icon, that means a friendly vehicle is in need of repairs.

Why This is Effective: Having an engineer repair a tank while the tank blasts enemy positions is a very effective use of the class. Done properly, a tank can withstand a great number of direct hits. Add a second engineer to the repair process and you’re virtually unstoppable.

Use the BACK Button

The BACK button, which is seldom used in games, gets a real workout in BC2. When targeting an enemy or enemy vehicle, you can press the BACK button and essentially call out that target to the rest of the team. This makes the target appear on the map so everyone will see what you are seeing and can begin blasting. Plus, you get a few extra points for calling out targets.

Why This is Effective: It all comes down to situational awareness. The more your team knows about enemy positions, the better.

How to Keep your UAV Alive

So you finally managed to gain usage of the UAV and whaddaya know, you lasted about 10 seconds before it was blasted out of the sky. Here’s some tips on better operation:

Stay at a high elevation, preferably behind the enemy.

Stay on the move, don’t stand still.

Use your missile to take out enemy emplacements like guided missiles and machine gun roosts.

If you’re damaged by enemy fire, return the UAV to base and have an engineer repair the UAV!

The onboard chaingun on the UAV is very effective, but not at high altitude. If you really want to lay waste to the enemy, you need to fly at a lower altitude, preferably at the middle-ground of overall height. Keep that cross-hair over the enemy and squeeze off a few rounds. Be sure to raise elevation again and keep on the move after a brief descent.

Why This is Effective: A motionless UAV is a sitting duck. A moving UAV is very difficult to hit. A UAV at a high elevation is next to impossible to kill. A UAV at eye level is target practice.


What is your role as the pilot of a UAV? First, your overall objective should be removing enemy vehicles from the map. See a helicopter sitting on the pad? Take it out. Enemy tanks rolling down the road? Target practice. Once the heavy equipment has been dealt with, you should then move on to striking enemy emplacements like machine-gun nests and missile launchers. This will make life much easier for ground troops and tanks to penetrate the enemy lines.

Why This is Effective: The UAV is best suited for removing strategic assets like vehicles and emplacements. No other piece of equipment or vehicle is as effective as the UAV in clearing a map of assets. Taking out enemy armor and missile launchers will make life for your team much easier, offering them precious time to penetrate the lines and destroy objectives.

How to Use a Tank

So you’re in tank and you go barreling towards the enemy position with guns blazing. Within seconds, you’re a smoking husk of steel. This is not how you handle a tank.

Firstly, as a tank commander, you should be softening up enemy positions. This means blasting away machine gun emplacements and, more importantly, missile launchers, your sworn enemy. Engage in this activity from as far away as possible. When enemy emplacements have been dealt with, then you can move forward and take some ground.

Secondly, you should begin laying waste to enemy buildings, preferably buildings that hold an objective. Eventually, the building will come tumbling down and will take the objective with it.

A Tank should not be used as a close-combat asset, as one C4 planted on your side will end your day quick. Distance is your friend. Don’t just roll into an enemy stronghold hoping for the best as you won’t last long.

If you’ve managed to expose an objective crate by blasting a wall, then proceed by blasting the objective with your main gun. It takes awhile to destroy a crate in this fashion, but it is much safer than going in on foot, plus you get a few extra points for inflicting damage on the objective.

Travel with an engineer or, better still, be an engineer when driving a tank. This allows you to hop out of the tank and perform repairs. Having an engineer accompany you is best, as he can man the turret when not repairing, hopefully keeping your local area clear of ground troops.

If you’ve unlocked the secondary fire for a tank, use it! Now you can fire huge shells plus a machine gun at the same time. This makes your tank hell on wheels.

How to Be a Tank Gunner

There is nothing better than cruising around in a tank with a solid turret gunner taking the second position. Unfortunately, there is nothing worse than having a tank gunner who doesn’t know what the hell he is doing. The people who suck just keep watching the front of the tank, the exact same spot the tank driver is undoubtedly monitoring. Your do not need two people covering the same location. It is much better for the turret gunner to watch your ass and sides, two places where those dirty Recon bastards will appear with C4 in hand.

Why This is Effective: As tank gunner, it is your responsibility to clear the immediate area…on ALL sides, not just the front. If C4 is placed on a tank that had a gunner, that gunner failed in his duties.

Death to Tree-Huggers

This next technique is especially effective of defense. Basically, at the start of a new round, spend some time manning an MG emplacement or missile launcher and use this firepower to knock down trees between you and the enemy advance.

Why This is Effective: Removing trees from the map gets rid of hiding spots and exposes the enemy advance. With every tree you knock down, the enemy has one less place to hide. Within a minute or so you can clear a huge area of hiding spots and make the enemy a sitting duck.

Move as a Unit

You’re not going to get anywhere in BC2 if your team doesn’t work as a unit. This means clumping together, staying close to friendly vehicles and serving as escort. Tanks are great to hide behind and are often your only cover when breaching an enemy position.

Why This is Effective: Ground troops gain the benefit of cover. Tank commanders gain the benefit of having their exposed sides defended.

When Objective is Set to Explode, Unleash Hell!

You’re on offense and one of the objective crates has been successfully lit. The countdown to explosion commences. Instead of venturing elsewhere, you should remain focused on that crate as you know the enemy will be trying to defuse the charge. Use everything at your disposal, grenades, cover-fire, tanks, UAV…keep fire directed on the objective crate, killing any and all who try to get in the way.

Assault Team Loaded with Recon Players Will Lose…Every Time

Nothing pisses me off more than joining a new game and discovering my team is comprised of mostly Recon players, especially when we’re on the attack. Having a couple of Recon is great, but any more than that is a complete waste. The problem with Recon players is that they are perfectly content to sit a mile away on a hill, taking pot shots at the enemy, which isn’t worth many points because this is not Modern Warfare 2. Problem is, this doesn’t help secure objectives. You simply won’t get anywhere with too many Recons on your team.

If you find yourself in a game with way too many Recon’s ruining the round, then I suggest you simply leave and find a different round that is more balanced. Of course, you could always ask players on your team to switch classes but I think we both know that has little chance of actually working. So why suffer? Just leave.


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Post Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:37 am   
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wow, nice info mattster.. I guess you wrote this up while the EA Servers were offline last night. Sad They ended up coming back online around 11:30pm.. So i had a game for an hr before i had to do some work.

It's nearly a good dam review man.. lol..

If anyone is interested in joining up online for a game check out our clans area for "bad company 2".

HQ Bad Company 2 Clans

More info on the game including screenshots, videos, achievements etc can be found from the link below..

Bad Company 2 for Xbox 360

Enjoyed reading your post mate and i bet it helps other HQ members decide whether to buy it or not!

cheers mate,


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Last edited by forahobby on Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:28 am   
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forahobby wrote:
It's nearly a god dam review man.. lol..

the review is coming, spent 3 hours on it so far, another hour and it should be finished.

I love this game and wanted the review to reflect the highs and the lows of this game.

This is just random tips that piss me off when the rest of our squad don't do these insanely obvious things and we end up getting beat.

How great is it when we have a full squad of hq guys and we are all communicating towards a common objective?

That's when we dominate!!

So if you guys want to help the hq domination hit up the clans section and enlist to fight the good fight.


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Post Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:56 am   
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Yeh sorry i missed ya the other night on BC2 mattser.. been uber busy..
The servers seem to be running so much better now and playing with the other HQ guys just owns..

Can't wait for your review man.. I'll hopefully have time to pump it in the news and in our homepage blades to show it off and promote a great game!

I went and played a little MW2 today and could'nt believe the difference in the lag.. MW2 lag is so bad, i just had to turn it off after 30 mins or so.. Went back to BC2..

l8r all,


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Post Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:48 am   
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Great review dude! I also found this really really helpful:

How not to be a noob in BF:BC 2

I had a look around at the clan section for Battlefield - is there a specific one for BC2 or does everyone just have both games?


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Post Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:35 pm   
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the two games do have seperate clans, if your interested I would suggest joining our cyber gamer clan.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Clan Leader
No one ever sees me coming, but they can surely hear the sounds
Kill/Death Ratios for the XBOX 360:
CoD MW-1.7
CoD WAW-2.1
CoD MW2-2.05
Halo 3-1.7(ranked) 1.5(unranked)
Bad Company-4.2
K/D for PS3:
CoD WAW 3.6
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MAG 2.2

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Post Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:57 am   
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TehRabies wrote:
I had a look around at the clan section for Battlefield - is there a specific one for BC2 or does everyone just have both games?

Hey Bud

Click this link to take you straight to the Aussie clan



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Post Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:35 am   
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So there I am last night, playing some Battlefield, and Mattster joins me and my buddies in our squad.

Keen to ensure we make a good impression on the first HQ member to play with us, we are playing the objectives, using multiple classes as called upon and generally doing things right.

Mattster spawns in my chopper. I immediately change my firing solution to give his minigun the best angle. My squadmates approve of this. Mattster starts smashing the living shit out of the enemy, and we are all picking up delicious Passenger Assist points. The chopper goes down, but I manage to survive and find myself directly in front of the MCOM. I hide, and all squadmates spawn on me. We proceed to take the objective in style, 1 planting and the other three of us providing awesome covering fire from behind cover. It was rad.

We move up. A new chopper spawns. Being polite, and keen to spread the pilot love, we allow Mattster to pilot the chopper. We're there, miniguns manned, engineer ready to repair, and we slowly lift off.

The chopper is flown no more than 50ft, directly into the nearest cliff, killing us all.

Mattster joins us on our party chat:

"Hey guys, nice to meet you."
"Hey Mattster! Nice to meet you too man!"
"Yeah....sorry about the chopper."

Hilarity ensues Very Happy

See you all on Wednesday night - I'll be flying Wink


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Post Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:24 am   
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You better be flying man cause after my effort you can see i suck in the flying tincans.

We had some great fun the other night, and you and the your buds have some good skillz.

But as you can see I got skillz too, especially at destroying a chopper and killing my entire squad in less than 30 seconds.

Yep that's the skillz I got.

Apart from that we had fun, cant wait for some more games man.

We kicked serious ass


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Post Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:38 am   
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I think the tincans may be slightly overrated. THey are great for inserting teams behind enemy lines, but no-one seems to do that much. I guess it is because you can't communicate with players outside your own squad.

The one that was flying over us pretty much all last night didn't do much damage, but it kept our team occupied for way too long. They can almost be ignored unless the minigunners are amazing.

The UAV on the other hand - what a bastard machine. Especially if the operator has unlocked the machine gun on it.


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