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MW2 new game play video and new game feature details here...
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 MW2 new game play video and new game feature details here... View previous topic :: View next topic  

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Post Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:15 pm   
Post subject: MW2 new game play video and new game feature details here...
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Hey guys, 360-HQ.com is as always on the lookout for the gaming news that matters to our gaming community, then quick to get it out to you ASAP.

Today we have some great news for the COD series gaming community. The HQ has learned that the next instalment "Modern Warefare 2" will feature (for the first time ever) IN GAME ON THE FLY HOST MIGRATION! Now when a host quits out of a multiplayer match mid game or his internet connection goes to SH**, the game will no longer crash and send everyone to the lobby, Now when this happens the game play will pause for a few seconds as a new host is chosen from the room list then the game continues where it left off. You can see this at the end of the new game play video below at the 1:41 mark.

But that is not all we have gathered from this new video, At 1:49 when the new host is chosen and game continues you will see FOURZEROTWO get pawned with a "THROWING KNIFE" to the back. As this happens you will see a box pop up at bottom of the screen showing who you killed, This is something new, What is this all about, First it says "my name is..." (why is this needed if the screen to the left already shows they guys name you killed? is this a possible area where you can put something other than your gamer tag, sort of like a clan tag option but with more letters? Then to the right of that in the same box you will see an avatar which looks like something custom? perhaps we get to choose or make our own avatar to show up? This might be fun, it would be more noticeable if you are killing or being killed by the same guy over and over if you see his avatar popping up a lot during a match. If you watch the video from the beginning you will see each player killed has totally custom looking boxes coming up, But after a while maybe an option to turn this on or off would be nice.

MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTS?? If you look at the weapon being used by the player at 1:50 you will see that it has 3 attachments! Red dot sight, Grip, and a Suppressor. Ill tell you what, more attachments at once and host migration were 2 of the big issues for the series in our gaming community. Wonder if they got the "NAME TAG NOT SHOWING UP" issue fixed yet?

Needless to say we are excited about some of the new environments we will have access to. First off the winter snowy levels we have seen in earlier videos (man we better get some of those for multi-player) and here we get to see a desert area, perhaps Afghanistan?

A few other items... the video gives away the first 3 kill streaks you can earn, 3 kills gives you UAV, 4 kills gives you AIRDROP (we do not know if this is supply replenishment or a weapon of some sort) and 5 kills gives you access to a PREDATOR DRONE MISSILE STRIKE. Also it should be noted that you do not see any more kill streak rewards after the 5 kills. This is most likely because you get to have 3 streaks to choose from for your profile, If you use 3 early streaks you most likely will not get to use the AC-130 unless you have chosen that as one of your streaks regardless if you get 11 kills in a row or not.

This video shows a new game play mode as well, FLAG RUNNER, in this game mode it is also given away that you can use a swat Shield in multi-player, but it is not 100% protective as we see a player get shot in the face with a pistole right through the shield. We are wondering if the shield will be something players will be crying about and become taboo as has the notorious NOOB TUBE, JUGGERNAUT and the Shield from Rainbow 6.
You can see the video and screen shots of the Shield use, kill streak icons, new in game gamer tags, the throwing knife etc below in HQ's Video Analysis....


Here you can see the first 3 available kill streaks starting at kill number 3,
3 kills = UAV
4 kills = AIR DROP (maybe everyones ammo is replenished?)
11 kills (not shown) = Control of an AC-130 gunship.
Again we believe you only are rewarded for streaks you unlock and choose ahead of time, if you did not choose air drop as one of your 3 streaks, then when you get 4 kills nothing will appear.

Looks like Multiple Attachment use now! Below you can see the player in a free for all match is using a weapon with SUPPRESSOR, GRIP and RED DOT SIGHT! Hmm, now if we can just get the suppressor on the sniper.

Here is our favorite feature, the on the fly host migration, upper pic is what you will see on your screen as the host quits out and the game play pauses... below that is the 5 second count down screen till game unpauses, then you are back where you left off with a new host!

And here a very interesting feature probobly reported first by us here at 360-HQ.com...New ingame customizable popup game tags, when you kill a player not only will the name come up as usual to the left of your screen but you will also get to see the players totllay custom game popup! Now we are thinking the name at top in white is maybe given depending on your most active game play type. Someone that uses suppressed weapons for most kills may get the suppressor heading over the Red lettering showing actual gamer tag.

In the screen shot below you will see (1). A player raining hell with his AC-130 kill streak reward, (2) A red hand which we assume is the faction you are playing in this game mode??? Which is Flag Runner by the way, you can see the flag at arrow (3).

In the following shot you can see above the players custom tag, and below a team member using a clear swat shield in multiplayer, Is this the new taboo equipment?

And in this last image from the new video you can see a player just about to release his throwing knife into the back of Fourzerotwo.

That is everything from the video, but keep reading on below for the rest of the info we have on the game so far, including more screens, lots of info and more videos .....

Modern Warfare 2: Facts, Rumors and an Unboxing Video!

This is a continuation of the news story with the same title. Feel free to comment or add any info you find. Please Do not forget to digg our news stories.

For more detailed information and everything we have on MW2 check out the 360-HQ games database..

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

So here we are again boys and girls. Only 3 months from the release of another mouth watering installment of blood splattering FPS mayhem! If you are anything like me, you are starving for any info Regarding MW2 you can get your hands on to hold you over till the game releases on the 10th of this November. So I have done a little surfing and compiled some MW2 facts, rumors and More.

So lets get started....

Confirmed Weapons... include the AK-47, USP.45 pistol, ACR Rifle, Knife, AUG-HBAR, C4, Frags, Semtex sticky grenade, Famas, Dragunov Sniper, A heat seaking shoulder launched ground to air Missile, One handed sub-Machine guns. These and more were seen in videos during game play.

Unconfirmed...These were reported by a Beta tester that got in trouble and fired by IW. Iw denies his claims but would not comment on which of his claims were false or true. These include weapons carried to MW2 including M16 and the M4. Weapons dropped from MW2 being the Scorpion, P90, M21, R700, G3, and G360. Also the introduction of new guns such as the SR25M for the United States, the Diemeco C8 for the Canadian forces, and L85A2 for the United Kingdom.

Attachments...IW confirmed that MW2 would have more attachments as has been requested by the gaming community but did not mention what attachments might be new or if we will be able to finely use more than one on a gun at a time. But one confirmed NEW attachment is a flip out LCD screen that can be attached to a 2 handed weapon and has a built in Heart beat monitor, Much the same as the device seen in the movie Aliens. Videos have shown the heart beat monitor being used in both Single and Multi-Player modes.


A few of the known locations in the game include rio de janeiro Brazil Both in the main city and in the slums, The Frozen mountains deep in Russia, A desert location in Afghanistan. Some other areas seen in Screen shots and video include what looks like a large locker room area in maybe a pool area or bathhouse, a rooftop construction area surrounded by skyscrapers in some large modern city, and Divers exiting a submarine underwater and coming up under what looks to be an off shore oil platform.
And yes We finely get some Winter Snow maps!

There are 4 factions you will be able to play in Multi-player online games, these include U.S. Army Rangers, British SAS, The Russian Rebels From Cod4 and A Middle Eastern Faction.

The beta tester we spoke of before stated that all the origional Perks will be carried forward along with all the new perks. I find it hard to believe that Eves drop will be put in the next game as I do not think It is used by anyone.
There was mention of a perk called VULTURE but this may have been total rumor.
One confirmed new perk is a Radar Jamer. If you have this perk you can jam the enemies radar maps. If you have played Rainbow 6 Vegas you know what this is all about.

Kill Streaks
Wow, Things are about to get interesting, Seems we will have 15 different kill streak options and be able to customize them as well, Just what customize means when it comes to the Kill Streak rewards we will have to wait and see. It looks however as each kill streak corresponds with a set number of kills, And you get to pick 2. So if you pick the 11 kill and 8 kill streak options, then your player only gets those 2 rewards after those many kills.New..We mentioned above at the top of this page you could pick 3 streaks, perhaps it is only 2 and the UAV is standard 3 kills reward., Also stated above we found 4 kills to give you SUPPLY DROP and 5 kills to give you PREDATOR DRON MISSILE STRIKE.
Many of you may know by now, We will finely get to be the gunner on an AC-130 after a kill streak of 11.
From what we have been able to gather, the AC-130 Works something like this. Once you get your 11 kills in a row, you pull out your combat laptop computer and use it to take controll of the AC-130 guns remotely. At this point you will be using a screen just like that in the COD4 mission. You can toggle between black and white as being the hot areas in thermal vision and you can switch between 25mm Chain gun, 40mm Grenade launcher and the monster 105mm gun. Your time in the Gunship will be limited to somewhere arround 30 seconds. It will be a good Idea to hide somewhere dark and safe before using the perk as your body is still on the ground while in AC-130 mode. The AC-130 can be shot down and players will have the option of using the Ground to Air Missile. The AC-130 does have a defense against these in the form of Angel Flares which are said to be controlled/Deployable by the player in the gunship. We are still very eager to find out what some of the other perks may be.

New Multi-player Challenges
A few of the new challenges seen in the game play videos include..
Buzzkill = +100 points, kill an enemy just short of a kill streak
Stuck = Stick an enemy with Semtex!
Payback = Get revenge on an enemy +200 points

Some other MP stuff includes...
killing any enemy player in any way seems to score you +50 points! this was seen in different MP game modes.
Co-op will be cut from 4 players to just 2, it was stated that allowing more than 2 players did not add anything to the game experience, I somewhat agree, Feeling that 4 players in co-op makes the levels way too quick and easy.

Yes you will be able to control vehicles, To what extent and if this can be done in Multi-player is yet to be seen (UPDATE>> It has been stated that Vehicles will be used only in single player mode). But we have confirmed in a mission called Cliffhanger (the winter russion Air Base in the Frozen Mountains) That you do take control of a Snow Machine and hall ass down a mountain dodging trees and bullets with old Mac Tavish Riding B**ch lol. It was also observed that you can shoot while driving using a one handed sub machine gun. See the video Below! This video shows most of the Level called Cliffhanger (hopefully this will be a MP map), You can see the player take control of a snow machine at the end. You also get to see the New Heart Beat attachment in action.

Game Modes
It is said that there will be a new game mode that is co-op that works much like the mission at the very end of cod4 on the aircraft. there will be several of these types of missions where you and a friend fight along side navy seals and others on that style of mission, this game mode is called SPECIAL OPS. Scenarios include a snowmobile race, a battle alongside U.S. Navy SEALs, and fending off a wave of 50 enemies at once.
The beta tester stated that all game modes would return and that all would have hard core modes, Also that there is a new type of Capture the flag mode called SECURE.

Download Content
IW confirmed that there will be a 2 map MP map pack to be released soon after the game, but not if there would be anything after that.

Game Length
IW stated that MW2 would be no longer than the 6 to 10 hour game COD4 was.

Gun Camos
Nothing has been seen or mentioned on this subject but I for one will be very disappointed if it is not brought forward to MW2.

Other Cool Stuff

IW stated that we will have some new mele options and mentioned the ability to support your hand gun with your knife which is supposed to offer some special moves. See the Picture above.

MW2 will feature destructive environments! Just how destructible we will see. But hopefully no more bullet proof tv screens and plant pots.

All Hud elements will be much smaller and out of the way so as not to obstruct your view as much.

Player names will not show up until you target them to also help cut down on blocked view and clutter. I am sure this will be an option to turn on or off for those that have trouble identifying friend from foe by uniform alone.

New AI, IW has developed new enemy AI that will allow the enemy to play smarter and come at you from different directions and in different ways each time you play rather than depending on constant enemy respawn to make a level hard in single player games. So the battle will evolve different each time you play.

Blood Splatter, We saw a lot of blood splatter in the single player demo video ( the video above on the snow level ) lets hope this also carries over to MP mode!

You Will play as Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson a member of Task Force 141 an elite, multinational commando unit headed by our old friend Soap Mac Tavish, You remember, the guy we had to carry out of Prepyat during our sniper mission in COD4.
MW2 takes place a couple years after the end of COD4 and we are fighting the same Russian Ultra nationalists who are headed by Vladimir Makarov, This guy is using the death of their last leader that you took out on the bridge as a martyr for the cause. Makarov has publicized Zakhaev's death as an act of martyrdom to garner support for his cause, enabling him to build a strong power base in Russia over the years. Fearful of Makarov's growing influence, the global community established Task Force 141 to counter the threat posed by the resurgent Ultra nationalists.

As promised, here is the Un-Boxing of the Prestige Collectors Edition



Well thats all for now, Now we just need to hurry and wait.

To see more info on MW2 our site has to offer including more videos please click on the link below.

Last edited by gamexxover on Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:07 am; edited 4 times in total

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Post Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:32 am   
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wow man, can't wait.. Smile thx for all the kick ass info, legendary!
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Post Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:05 am   
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Ya man, little by little we are getting some good info, Man I am hungry for some beta play or a demo.

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Post Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:30 am   
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DAMN! What a post lol Hat off to u man. Laughing Thanks bro

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Post Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:30 am   
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gamexxover wrote:
Ya man, little by little we are getting some good info, Man I am hungry for some beta play or a demo.

yeh a demo would be nice, BETA even better! Wink

SiK_WiD_iT wrote:
DAMN! What a post lol Hat off to u man. Laughing Thanks bro

trust seeing you here SIK.. Modern Warfare 2 aint long away now.. Gamexxover is doing a kick ass job finding all this info.. Smile Thumbs up GxxO

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Post Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:36 am   
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Ya I failed getting it approved on Ng4, they denied it as a Duplicate story, obviously without actually looking at the entire article, I believe they judged it off of the title, No other post I have seen has half the info we have here. Oh well their loss.

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Post Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:18 pm   
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Brilliant breakdown of the vid man, very impressive.

But damn you, now I want this game more than ever.

Having had my game shop call me and tell me they cant do my pre order of the Hardcore edition today I was pissed off.

But seeing that vid has made me realise that I don't give a shit as long as I have the game.


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Post Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:55 pm   
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I just want a suppressor for my sniper, lets see suppressor, camo, claymores, maybe a throwing knife and some dark shadows and bushes, im going to be a modern ninja.

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Post Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 9:46 pm   
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gamexxover wrote:
Ya I failed getting it approved on Ng4, they denied it as a Duplicate story, obviously without actually looking at the entire article, I believe they judged it off of the title, No other post I have seen has half the info we have here. Oh well their loss.


dont be disheartened man, you will probably find N4G prefer direct links to NEWS and not forums.. If you spend a little time with submitting your news directly and having a forum topic for basic disucussions you will find they will accept it.

If you just copy and paste your basic news and i will make it all pretty for you. Just leave us links of what you want where. It's always good to keep all our images on the 360-hq server to and don't external link just in-case they go down and we lose all the hard work you've put in!

talk soon peeps,

MW2 woot, not long.

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