Silent Hill: Homecoming marks the sixth story in the Silent Hill mythos, and introduces a new protagonist to the mysterious town. The story follows Alex Shepherd, returning to his hometown of Shepherd's Glen to investigate the sudden disappearance of his brother and the strange occurrences taking place around town. Shepherd unravels a tale that takes him from his boyhood home to the fog-shrouded streets of Silent Hill, facing the darkest horrors of his soul to find his missing brother.
This game features all-new graphics that bring the fear and terror of Silent Hill alive like never before. Alex must survive the terrible denizens of Silent Hill using an all-new enhanced combat system that provides a wide array of attacks and counters. Along the way, Alex will encounter a variety of weapons to battle these horrific monsters and solve deadly puzzles, discovering the darkest secrets of Silent Hill. Silent Hill: Homecoming also features an all-new soundtrack by acclaimed series composer Akira Yamaoka.
One of Konami's great titles of yesteryear returns for some fast button pressing action, get out your power pads.
On your mark! Get set! Go! The world title is on the line and you have to compete in six events to cement your legacy as a World Champion. Race the 100m Dash and 110m Hurdles, test your skills with the Javelin and Hammer Thro..
The first original Castlevania game for Xbox 360 will feature the return of Alucard. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow takes place at the end of days.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow™ Left as a foundling at the gates of the Brotherhood of Light convent they named him Gabriel and raised him as their own. Over the years he developed an unprecedented m..
Bomberman is reborn with a new look and a new attitude for the next generation. Deep within an experimental underground facility, humans are imprisoned as test subjects and trained to become soldiers. Equipped with armored battle suits, the subjects must fight for survival and eliminate each other to determine who will become the Ultimate Human Wea..