Set in the future, chaotic warfare has engulfed the universe. The world is ripe with strife as gigantic mecha called Mobile Suits march to war on land and in space. Featuring characters and mecha from over 30 years of Gundam® anime and manga series, DYNASTY WARRIORS:GUNDAM 3 thrusts players into the galactic melee with over 50 playable and upgradable characters and over 70 playable and upgradeable Mobile Suits combed from the Gundam universe. New additions include Mobile Suits from Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Mobile Suit Gundam UC and many more.
TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 introduces a completely re-engineered online system, providing one of the most responsive fighting game experiences to hit consoles. Players will also gain free access to World Tekken Federation™, a comprehensive online service that is a first of its kind for the fighting game genre. Next week, fighters will be able to sign ..
Fierce battles of Goku and others will be reborn! For the first time ever, the Dragon Ball universe will be depicted onto the new generation systems and will fully benefit from the most powerful consoles ever created. DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE will bring all the frenzied battles between Goku and his most fierce enemies, such as Vegeta, Frieza, Cell and..
The long awaited dream match-up between the two leaders in the fighting genre becomes a reality. STREET FIGHTER X TEKKEN, delivers the ultimate tag team match up featuring iconic characters from each franchise, and one of the most robust character line ups in fighting game history. With the addition of new gameplay mechanics, the acclaimed fighting..
Dynasty Warriors 6 is a Hack and slash video game set in Ancient China and the sixth official installment in the Dynasty Warriors series, developed by Omega Force and published by Koei. The game was released on 22 November, 2007 in Japan, February 19, 2008 in North America and March 13, 2008 in Europe. It is based on the famous Chinese novel, Roman..
SAMURAI WARRIORS 2 EMPIRES combines the most exciting aspects of Action, Fighting and Strategy games. At the start of the game Feudal Japan is divided into warring states and it is up to the player to resurrect a nation using equal amounts of strategy and strength! The game’s ultimate goal is to unite Japan’s 25 regions into a single nation under o..
Bladestorm: Hundred Years War will be Koei's and Omega Force's first video game for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. It is based on the famous Hundred Years' War and will play fairly similar to the Dynasty Warriors series. The game was first going to be exclusive for Sony's Playstation 3, but later it came to light that it was going to be releas..
The expansion introduced new characters to the series, including Maeda Toshiie, Hosokawa Gracia and Ch;sokabe Motochika. Imagawa Yoshimoto from Samurai Warriors Xtreme Legends returned in the expansion with an updated character design, and Shibata Katsuie and Sasaki Kojir; from Samurai Warriors 2 Empires are also playable and have new weapons. Shib..