"Coraline" is a surrealistic adventure game that will enthrall gamers of all ages with its moody atmosphere, engaging narrative, and cast of colorful...
Based on the hit Cartoon Network TV series, take command of Ben Tennyson and his ten alien superheroes in an action-packed adventure to save the universe...
Dark Sector blends finesse and brutality into a fast-action game. It mixes first-person shooter control schemes with a third-person perspective. Your suit can 'morph.' This morphing is central to creating the new possibilities for our combative and non-combative game mechanics. Enemy guard shows off effective, believable facial expressions. The pol..
Wrap your mind around a variety of puzzles in Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords.
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords™ delivers, for the first time ever, classic puzzle-game action backed with an epic story of good versus evil. Challenge your puzzle skills in single-player campaign mode, or battle your friends in multiplayer actio..
Developed by Grasshopper Manufacture in collaboration with European based Digital Reality, Black Knight Sword 2D is a side-scrolling platformer that utilizes Epic's Unreal technology...