Set in a fantastic world based upon the mythology of Native America, Brave: A Warrior's Tale plays as a series of flashbacks in which a now elderly Brave describes the events of his life. Players take on the role of Courage and experience Brave's legendary adventures first hand as they relive his story and play through all-new content that will make Courage a legend in his own right! Can Courage live up to his name and stop the evil Wendigo's threat to their village?
Easy to master platforming gameplay – excellent for young gamers
Use sticks, longbows, and a tomahawk to defeat enemies
13 major areas to explore including lush forests, raging rivers, wide open plains, and the spirit world
“Mobile Stone” in-game tutorial talks you through each area’s objectives and helps you out when you get stuck
Exciting boss battles – fight giant bees, grizzly bears, mythical beasts, and the evil Wendigo
Learn to mimic animals’ calls to access their help and acquire new skills
Uncover hidden wall paintings to find clues for new areas
Hone your senses - learn to find animals by using their tracks
Collect dream catchers and use them to restore health when needed
Test Drive: Ferrari is scheduled for release in North America July 3rd, 2012 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.
Multiple Racing Types - Experience a variety of race type challenges including Rally, GT, and Formula 1
Extensive Online Competition - Race in online competitions wi..