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Sony come up with a possible piracy solution
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 Sony come up with a possible piracy solution View previous topic :: View next topic  
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Post Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:55 pm   
Post subject: Sony come up with a possible piracy solution
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This sounds like a not terrible solution to sonys playstation woes but If there is a limit of 5 entries this could be problematic because of trade in stores, taking a game over to a mates house seems like Sony are rushing ideas and trying to come up with a quick fix. They should implement something like the Xbox ap2.5 thingy.

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Post Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:47 pm   
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So it will be pretty much like spore was on the PC a few years ago when you could only install the game 5 times and then after that you were out of luck. Seems like a bad idea to me, but that's just me.

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Post Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:18 pm   
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Yeah man it sounds like a terrible idea to me too. Reminds me of the original rumors I heard about the ps3 that the discs would only run on the first console they were used on. The more Sony fight it the more the hackers will also that's what they love the challenge! Don't know why Sony is so worried seeing as the psone was one of the most pirated consoles ever an was still a huge success and the ps2 was just as bad. I can see a future with more 360 exclusives seeing as ps3 is so compromised. I'm not really a fan boy for xbox but I dislike Sony so :p Sony lol

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Post Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:47 pm   
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It will actually make piracy worse. Remember how spore was the #1 most pirated game of 2008 because of the 5 time install limit? People stopped buying the game and just started pirating it because of the crazy DRM.

Finally after a year and a half EA released a program that would restart your 5 installs so that you could install the game. In the end they still had to change their DRM which admits that it's bad, and they lost a lot of money from all of the pirating. I assume the same thing will happen if someone figures out how to get around the blue ray disc code.


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Post Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:13 am   
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I remember just before the PS3 came out. Sony was all ready to use a system that would encode each game disc with a single Machine. So that disc would only work on that machine. You would not be able to loan it out, play on a new system or sell it when you did not want it anymore.

So you would buy a game, put it into your PS3 and the code would lock that disc to that machine. They already perfected it and were ready to use it with the new gaming system.

They dropped the plan after the forums went nuts with a serious dislike of the plan.

The major uproar at the time was with Game Rentals and used game sales.
You would not be able to rent any PS3 games or buy used games. This was going to really hurt rental businesses, which now days are dropping like flies.

I live in a pretty big city and I cant remember I do not think I have seen a movie rental store in a while, A lot of empty blockbuster and Hollywood video buildings. And now Netflix has announced they are going to stop sending out discs! they are going to go streaming only.

Well at least we still have Torrents, for now anyway.

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Post Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:47 am   
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Here is a quote from the artice on bomernee's link:
The exposing of the root keys caused massive embarrassment for Sony and could cost it millions in pirated games. It has taken the threat to heart, suing over 100 hackers involved in the case.

Maybe they should sue the people who work for sony who came up with the shit protection lol

From reading another article, PS3 hackers screwing up your game achievements online will be a bigger problem than piracy.

If these hackers like a challenge, sort the xbox... please Wink

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Post Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:04 pm   
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Div wrote:
If these hackers like a challenge, sort the xbox... please Wink

I don't know about the rest of the users but i pay for live to not deal with this type of BS, i will give up all hacks and home-brew as long as i never see a day when all my work can go down the drain just by going in to a public lobby ran by one A-hole bent on deleting my accomplishments.

The hackers that do this crap are the ones that give us a bad name and thats just Bull $h1t if you ask me.

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Post Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:37 pm   
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Has anything like that happened on live? I know jtag's getted banned pretty much straight away so i wouldn't have thought xbl would have the same issues??
Opinions are like arse holes, everybody has one and your's stinks.

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Post Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:21 pm   
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We are talking YNOS....yea thats backwards agen...(Hey YNOS if ure looking,i ant doing no advertizeing 4 ya) Ure console is S_-t and needs A BIG update.

Why was the 3PS so hard to hack? WHY did it take so long?? (3PS sounds like an old phone)ha ha ....

Big miss take by YNOS...IT got left behind....And by the time it chatches up.



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Hasent all this been done before ?....SO come on YNOS.

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