Xbox 360 Dashboard Update's Hidden Feature: Clear Cache

Date: Friday, June 09 @ 03:12:47 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

The Xbox 360 has a clear cache feature, following the Spring Dashboard Update. The clear cache feature is not visible from any of the Dashboard's menus, so it must be accessed using a series of button combinations. To clear the cache on your Xbox 360, do the following:

- At the 360's memory selection screen, press the "Y" button while on the memory or HDD option.
- Press the following button sequence: X, X and the left (bumper), right (bumper), X, X.
- A pop-up says maintenance will be performed on your Xbox 360.
- Answer "yes" to clear the cache.

(Fixed) - The source Say's triggers but it has been reported that you must use the (bumpers).


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