'Weird West' rides into town in January 2022 for XB, PS and PC

Date: Tuesday, November 16 @ 14:18:22 UTC
Topic: Xbox One

WolfEye Studios (@WolfEyeGames) and Devolver Digital (@devolverdigital) announced that their upcoming action RPG experience Weird West is coming to Xbox, PlayStation and PC on Jan. 11. Watch the first part of the brand new video series and learn more about the game below on @XONEHQ!

Weird West

Discover a dark fantasy reimagining of the Wild West where lawmen and gunslingers share the frontier with fantastical creatures. Journey through the story of a group of atypical heroes, written into legend by the decisions you make in an unforgiving land. Each journey is unique and tailored to the actions taken - a series of high stakes adventures where everything counts and the world reacts to the choices you make. Form a posse or venture forth alone into an otherworldly confines of the Weird West and make each legend your own.

Newly opened pre-orders on Steam will furnish players with a horse named Calamity; a dependable mule that provides leg up at the beginning of their adventures by doubling their inventory size, allowing them to escape locations even if enemies are chasing them, and faster travel to avoid missing out on timed objectives. Calamity’s saddle bags will also be stocked up with essential items, including lockpicks, bandages, tools and a Golden Ace of Spades upgrade token.

WolfEye Studios creative director Raf Colantonio walks through an overview of the game in the first of a series of deeper dive videos.

Weird West features

  • Weird West: Dark Fantasy reimagining of the Wild West where lawmen and gunslingers share the frontier with fantastical creatures, each playing with their own rules and their own peculiar motives.

  • Intertwined Destinies: Discover the world through origin stories of different characters, moving from one character's journey to the next until all converge in a final chapter.

  • Bespoke Experience: Each playthrough is unique as the game tailors the story to the player's actions and past choices for an ideal dramatic arc.

  • Immersive Sim: Weird West supports different styles of play in a simulated sandbox world where characters, factions, and even places react to a player's decisions.

  • High Stakes: Players are faced with brutal choices and consequence that can't be undone - including death.

Weird West will be available for the Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam on January 11, 2021.

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Official Site: https://www.weirdwest.com/
News Source: https://www.xboxone-hq.com/news.html

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