Dishwasher: Dead Samurai Coming Out Wednesday

Date: Monday, March 30 @ 23:52:46 UTC
Topic: Live Arcade

Dishwasher: Dead Samurai is finally coming out after 2 years of development. A lot of my friends over the forums are looking forward to this game. I'm going to check out the demo for sure.

Microsoft announced today that this week's Xbox Live Arcade release will be The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, developed solely by 2007 Dream.Build.Play contest winner James Silva.

The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai is a 2-D stylistic action platformer for Xbox Live Arcade showcasing fast action, deep gameplay, and a unique visual style. Gameplay in The Dishwasher is a fresh take on popular stylistic action combat, taking combo- and timing-intensive combat into a 2-D, blood-soaked environment emphasizing speed, vertical movement, and maneuverability, and player-driven pacing to create a truly unique, fluid and visceral experience, with an appealingly psychotic art style. The Dishwasher has arcade co-op, drop-in solo campaign co-op, and drop-in solo phantom guitar co-op using the guitar peripheral.

The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai will be available on Wednesday, April 1st, for 800 Microsoft Points. News-Source:: PlanetXbox360

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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