Call of Duty 4 Double XP On Its Way

Date: Wednesday, September 03 @ 12:10:09 UTC
Topic: Xbox Live

Robert Bowling is the Director of Communications / Community Manager for the award winning video game development studio Infinity Ward; the team behind the 2007 Game of the Year Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has posted a blog on about an upcoming double XP weekend and we got the low down on all this for you right here.

Call of Duty 4 Screenshot 3929

Robert Bowlings post reads as follows: "Back from PAX means back to work, and while it’s a short week thanks to Labor Day it’s the one time I wish it wasn’t because I have a lot of stuff to get done. I’m currently working on getting everything organized and together for an upcoming Xbox Live / PSN promotion we have coming up the weekend of Sept. 12th - 14th. Which isn’t this weekend, but next weekend. I will have exact details on what it is in the near future but I have a gut feeling it’ll have Double XP attached to it for all those hungry for some power-leveling on Call of Duty 4.

Currently working on designing some Xbox Live banners to promote it on the marketplace and attempting to get everything together for it on our end. This promotion is technically unrelated to the new Playlists, but I won’t lie that my hope is to finish them up in time so that we can make it all one big promotion. How epic would that be? Our awesome QA team and producers are helping me push hard to make it happen by the weekend of the big promotion, no promises, but as always I’ll keep you updated on the progress."

So there you have it guys and girls, oil up your guns and lace your boots tight for some major damage.


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