Hitachi Mediacheck Patch v2_47

Date: Tuesday, August 22 @ 19:31:19 UTC
Topic: Homebrew

Geremia released a new patch for the Hitachi-LG firmware with improved mediatype recognition. This patch can be used with Birdy's Friendly Flasher:

A better patch for mediatype recognition, only for Hitachi-LG 47 at the moment, because I'm trying more stuff.

Now all bitsetted, not bitsetted, "half bitsetted" (Plextor, LG..., dvd-rom with burnable layers) DVD+R DL looks like pressed dvd-rom, with maxallowedspeed to 2x, like originals, then at max speed (16x?!?) when unlocked.

Overwrite the patch.scp and reverse.scp in birdy flasher directory (thanks Birdy for the tools, much appreciated), restore to original fw (better with the flasher you used before), then flash again.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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