Xbox 720: Blu-ray and constant internet connection (anti-piracy)

Date: Monday, April 02 @ 17:09:34 UTC
Topic: Xbox One

According to the next Xbox, reportedly codenamed Durango, will have a Blu-ray drive and require a constant internet connection.

This measure is thought to be an anti-piracy measure, but it could also be used to combat the used-games market.

The site claims that "multiple sources" have confirmed that the console will contain two GPUS, with one saying, "It's like two PCs taped together." The graphics cards are rumoured to be equivalent to AMD's 7000 series GPUs, but are "not CrossFire or SLI". Also there will be “four or six” cores to the Xbox 720 CPU, one of which will be reserved for Kinect and one for the OS.

The report also mentions Christmas 2013 as a possible release date for the console and that it will have Kinect 2.0 built into the device.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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