XBR Flasher V0.1 Released for 360 Homebrew

Date: Tuesday, January 26 @ 04:52:06 UTC
Topic: Homebrew

Plexo has just released his first version of XBR Flasher. XBR Flasher is a simple batch file for flashing/restoring your xbox 360 nand chips, compatible with all revisions to date.

* Automatic dumping (2 times)
* Automatic checksum compare
* Automatic Keyvault and config extraction and injection
* Automatic XBR.bin selection
* Keeps backups in tidy folders
* Supports 16mb and 256/512mb nands

Simple batch file for flashing/restoring your xbox 360 nand chips, compatible with all revisions to date. nand backups along with kv and config seperate and log files from nandpro all kept in /backups/ restoring will come next havent done that yet...

The future of this app i can maybe see turning it into a sort of nand toolbox for uncrippling xboxes after bans etc :) who knows what the future holds, if i get enough feedback and have the time i will put some more time into it :) had internet problems this past while back so couldnt upload this until now!

Please send your bugs/wishlist to modmagicuk /AT/ googlemail.com

360-Hq Download: XBR Flasher v0.1 for Xbox 360
360-Hq Homebrew Database: XBR Flasher for Xbox 360

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