No Left 4 Dead 2 for Australia

Date: Thursday, September 17 @ 11:02:47 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Well it has happened again. The Australian Censorship Board has refused to classify a game due to excessive violence, Highlighting a need for a R 18+ Classification for games in the land down under.

Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshot 6791

The Australian government has refused classification to the upcoming zombie shooter's "realistic, frenetic and unrelenting violence." Because the Australian ratings system doesn't offer an 18+ rating for games, Left 4 Dead 2 joins the growing list of games banned by the government.

While Valve is unlikely to look upon this decision favorably, it can turn this ban into a marketing bullet point. The first game received a MA15 rating, meaning Left 4 Dead 2 must have a totally noticeable and sequel-worthy increase in violence.

360-Hq Game Database: Left 4 Dead 2 for Xbox 360

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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