Warhound: Official Movie - Ep1: Interactive Outdoors Environments

Date: Thursday, August 16 @ 09:31:21 UTC
Topic: Gaming

"Techland", the developer's of Warhound have today released a new video showing the Interactive Outdoor Environments from the game.

Check it out in our Xbox 360 Videos and Trailers area right here on HQ.

"Warhound" is a non-linear first person perspective action shooter set in modern times. You take the role of an elite mercenary who will not hesitate to undertake even impossible tasks... for the right price. Governments, businessmen and various organizations hire you for hazardous missions around the globe. Feel the incredible freedom in choosing missions, weapons, developing skills and using varied tactics on the battlefield. Take care of your training and finances, keeping an eye on your connections in the mercenaries business, at the same time.

Video Info:
Title: "Episode 1: Interactive Outdoors Environments".
size: 25MB
length: 34sec
resolution: 1280x720

For more information about Warhound for the Xbox 360 please check out the 360-hq.com games database which will cross link you to all our warhound information including: screenshots, trailers, achievements, cheats and ofcourse the latest warhound news.

360-Hq Game Database: Warhound for Xbox 360
Video Link: Episode 1: Interactive Outdoors Environments

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